Betty White Is Victim of Death Hoax After Fans Misread Satirical Story About 92-Year-Old's Dye Job

Now that’s what you call real humor, I am sure you are aware of the fact the dies refers todeath and dyes refers to changing the color of one’s hair. Now the interesting part of this blog is the death hoaxthat got Betty whites fans all riled. The best part is that they are ready to mourn her fake passing.

Now let me inform you that the 92 year old actress is alive and well but a rumor on Empires news sparked that the world lost the witty actress after readers misconstructed a little word play in the headline that read, "Actress Betty White, 92, Dyes Peacefully In Her Los Angeles Home," and many didn't realize that the writer used a homophone for dies.

Clearly, fans didn't continue reading the article, because the entire thing was a tongue-in-cheek "interview" with the star's agent about how White's not a natural blond, along with purported quotes from Betty, herself, about her brunette to blond transformation.

"Oh, I started dying it ages ago when my color started to fade away to a more whiteish, greyish color," White supposedly said. "I thought to myself, ‘Well Betty, if you can't have the dark color anymore, might as well try on the blonde for a while,' and it just kind of stuck. When I played Rose on Girls, the joke about my natural hair color made it into several episodes. I've always had a sense of humor about it."

White's agent, Jeff Witjas, assured the Los Angeles Times that the actress was alive and well. "She is on the set shooting Hot in Cleveland right now," he said.


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