Lock down orders is lifted at San Diego naval centre.

An apparently unfounded report of shots fired Tuesday morning at Naval Medical Center San Diego san diegoshootingprompted lockdowns of the facility and nearby schools as law enforcement officers flooded the area and searched the hospital complex.

About 8 a.m., authorities got word from
active shooter a Department of Defense employee reporting what sounded like three gunshots seemingly coming from the basement of NMCSD Building 26, which houses a gymnasium and barracks, according to Navy Region Southwest.

Military police with service dogs
sandiego, naval medical center conducted an initial search, and then turned to a more thorough floor-by-floor sweep. SWAT teams cleared buildings at the Balboa Park-area hospital, finding no evidence of a shooting or any other security hazard, according to Navy officials.


At about 3:30 p.m., Navy officials announced
sandiego a shelter-in-place order was lifted "for the entire compound, including Building 26 ... Operations are going back to their normal cycles at the hospital as patient care and access to the NMCSD facility is resuming to business as usual.

"We did an initial clearing of (Building 26) and found nothing that ... would indicate any kind of dangerous situation," Capt. Curt Jones, commanding officer of Naval Base San Diego, told reporters during a late-morning briefing. "But we are going back
sandiego news through, and now we're actually extracting people out of the building and ensuring that there is no threat."



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