numerology birth date-a close analysis of numerology.

Since your birth date is fixed, the elements and modifiers related to the birth don’t change during a person’s lifetime. On the other hand numerology birth date names often undergo changes during ones life either by choice like Robert becomes bob or due to specific situations like marriage in particular.

So when names change, there can be frequently substantial modification made to a person’s energy and personality. So you can very well use the numerology report module either from you personal numerologist or professional numerologist in order to analyze any name that a person now uses, has used or it thinking of using.

You can analysis as many different names as you like for comparison study simply by running the appropriate numerology report. In reality the same birth date is always used with the different names one is analyzing.
Now a numerology report using the birth date and the birth name describes the person’s basic traits as they would be seen at birth and as they would be expected to grow and develop. The characteristics described are innate traits that would in all probability be present much of the life.
If any obstacle is described in the report they are likely to be resolved or at the very least partially resolved as the person mature. Even though other names may be used as one gets older, the characteristics of the birth name are likely to be strongly felt throughout the life.
So in most instances, even when a person is born with a name which is changed shortly after birth the traits described by that name still leave a heavy imprint. I am sure you are aware of the fact that most of us use names other than our birth names.
We generally use middle initials, drop middle names, and pick up names used by friends or family. Sometimes we too use different names for our signature or change names by marriage or adoption. So at any one time in our lives the characteristics we exhibit would be a combination of the traits of all the names, we are currently using plus the traits of our birth name.
So the numerology report using the birth name describes your basic characteristics. You can very well run another numerology report using the name your currently use rather than your birth name. Try to compare the energies in both the reports.
Now let us assume that both reports show your business skills. If your current name report shows more business facility than your birth name report you can expect that you generally display added ability in that area.
However if on the other hand the current name report exhibits less facility in business matters, you should expect that your lowered facility will probably be apparent instead.
In case of other areas like adoptability, ease of getting on with people, creativity, ease of expressing feelings, now to name just a few in general the characteristics of your birth name are likely to be modified so that they appear closer to the traits of your current name.
Now suppose, however that the current name report emphasizes a specific capability that is not even mentioned in the birth name report. The current name report may for instance show the potential for considerable organizational ability which the birth report has nothing at all to say about that kind of skill.
In general the chances are good that you weren’t born with any appreciable organizational ability. Since there are little there to begin with, it’s unlikely that it will be built up into anything of any consequence and irrespective of the possibilities mentioned in the current name report.
 Now you might ask me why it works that way. So let us look at a similar situation. If you were born with a great talent as a painter, it’s easy to see that you can develop that talent further. This is particular so if you’re current name reemphasizes that talent.
If on the other hand your birth report suggest little painting talent it’s hard to imagine that you are going to turn into another Leonardo da Vinci, no matter what your current report says. Let me inform you that about 5% of the time, interestingly enough people can exert the force of their will and manage to develop skill that is not mentioned in the birth name report.
Although they are not likely to become another Leonardo they occasionally develop a talent much further that might be expected. It works the same way of course with other abilities too. You can develop your basic talents, for sure but you can only occasionally build up ability when there is little or nothing thereto begins with.
If you have several different current names like, one that you use in business, another that you use with your family, and still another with friends then run a numerology report for each name and then compare it with your birth report.
Now please remember to always use the same birth date. So if you are trying to find a more optimum name, there are several things to keep in mind. For the starters, you need to choose a name to balance the energies already in you birth report.
Let me give you a simple example if your 1, 4 and 8 which are pragmatic energies are too strong you may be inflexible. So by choosing a current name that de- emphasizes this energy, this trait can be bought into better balance.
Again on the other hand, if you already have some business ability but it is not emphasized then you may want to choose a name that is stronger in this area. After that, examine the modifiers whichever name that is birth or current that gives the more balanced use is the one that predominates.
Now if you want to understand your numerology birth date unique strengths, weakness, deep inner needs and emotions or what the future holds in store for you and if you are excited about these informative and life inspiring numerology readings then please visit here.


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