“Learn This, and Your Life Will Change Forever!”

I’d like you to imagine a garden.
In this garden, the soil is always rich with nutrients and what you plant, it will grow. There is rain and sun so you don’t have to worry about anything.
You can plant anything. There are no restrictions.
You can plant roses or you can plant poison ivy. You can plant tomatoes or you can plant nightshade, a deadly poison. What you put in, as a seed, will eventually grow into something much bigger.
This garden is your mind and the seeds you can plant are your thoughts.
Your mind is a fertile place where the thoughts you plant, will grow and make up for what your life is.
Or as the old passage from the Bible goes, from the book of proverbs, chapter 23, verse 7:
“As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he,".
Your thoughts, your convictions, manifest the surrounding reality.
Your life, good or bad, is nothing more than a reflection of the thoughts you’ve planted in your mind and nourished. These thoughts became behaviors. Behaviors became results.
You are where you are right now because deep down in your heart, this is where you wanted to be, no matter how sad or unfair this may sound.
This principle is one of the oldest spiritual laws in existence. It’s also one of the best known. You may know it under a different term.
This is “you become what you think about”.
And you can find this in all of world’s religions.
Some variation of this exists in Hinduism, in Christianity and in basically every other major religion. It’s found in all belief systems, as the one used by the Chinese. It’s as much of a universal law as gravity. Long before books existed, wise people understood that our thoughts manifest our reality.
It works on two levels.
First, your beliefs are connected to the universe on a quantum level. We manifest what we really believe.
Let me make this clear though.
You don’t manifest what you think you believe. You manifest what’s in your heart. If you believe you deserve unhappiness and pain, then no matter what you say, this you’ll get.
A great deal of people believe they have positive thoughts when their inner voice is always negative and destructive.
That voice will always win. Maybe this is why LoA fails for so many people - they’re trying to grow trees of prosperity and success while planting seeds of doubt and pain and suffering.
It doesn’t work this way.
You get what’s in your heart. The universe will manifest it. But what’s in your heart is the truth and we may not always know of this truth.
Life doesn’t give you what you intended.
Life gives you what you ask.
And while many people intend for wealth and joy and health, their thoughts are of poverty and sadness and despair. Since this is what they’re planting, this is what the universe is manifesting.
Second, your thoughts lead to beliefs.
Your beliefs lead to actions.
Your actions lead to outcomes.
Your outcomes leads to your destiny.
The thoughts you plant in your mind will determine how you act, on a level that’s so subtle that you can’t even perceive it. Who you are, is the consequence of the thoughts you’ve adopted.
It’s hard to realize this.
It’s on the same level of breathing.
You realize your breath only if you pay attention. You realize your behavior and where it comes from only if you analyze it. But everything you are comes from the thoughts you’ve once planted in your mind and then let them become a part of you.
So when you plant positive thoughts, you get positive results.
When you plant love and happiness, your behavior will reflect love and it will create happiness for yourself and for others.
When you plant thoughts of prosperity and wealth, your behavior will create wealth and prosperity in the world.
Think of this like the captain of an airplane. An airplane is huge, carries hundreds of passengers and weighs tens of tons. Yet, you will find just one or two pilots in the cockpit, controlling this huge machine.
So is with your life.
Even if your behavior is infinitely complex, there are just a few thoughts that control all of it and if you replace those thoughts, everything will change for you too.
The thoughts you plant in it will both manifest reality as in creating reality itself and shape your behavior to create the results you want.
Both are important.
This world is a 50 - 50 place.
The universe can manifest the opportunities you require at this moment but you must act to take advantage. If luck knocks at your door, you still need to open the door.
It’s like in this old joke.
A fisherman is caught up in a storm. His boat is sinking. Desperate, he prays to God.
“God, please save me, I’ll be good, I’ll repent, just save me”
A few minutes later, a boat shows up.
“Hi there, do you need any help?”, the good Samaritan asks him.
“No, no, God will save me”, the fisherman answers.
Perplexed, the savior leaves.
Ten minutes later, the same things happen. Another boat shows up. They offer to help him. The fisherman refuses saying that God will help him.
Eventually, the boat sinks, he dies and goes to heaven. There, face to face with God, he asks …
“God, why did you left me to die? I prayed to you and I promised I’ll repent for my sins”.
God looks at him and says “What are you talking about? I’ve sent you two boats”.
This is a joke, but this is how life works too.
We manifest opportunities but you must take advantage of these opportunities. If you are a real estate agent and you want to close a huge deal, your thoughts will manifest this opportunity. The universe will align the people, places and circumstances for this to happen.
But these people, places and circumstances won’t come to you in your living room. You must still act and do something.
Or maybe you want to find the love of your life.
Thoughts of love and appreciation will manifest your ideal partner but your partner won’t knock at the door and ask you for a date.
The universe is like a tree that offers you the fruits you need, in infinite abundance, but you still must grab those fruits from the tree.
And it all starts with your thoughts, with your beliefs.
Make a commitment now to fill your mind with positive thoughts. Make a commitment to think only thoughts of love and joy and wealth.
At first, it will be hard.
If you’re used to plant only poison in your mind, it will take a while until you take it all out. But once you do, you’ll notice something incredible happening. You’ll see how you’ll walk into the right circumstances. You’ll find yourself in the right places, at the right time, to get what you want.
How can I help you do this?
Manifestation Magic contains hidden NLP commands which act as seeds to plant in your subconscious mind.
NLP is a powerful technology built around the best schools of psychotherapy and hypnosis. It allows you to “program” your subconscious mind - planting seeds into the fertile ground of your mind and heart.
This means you can listen to these tracks before going to sleep and change what you think, putting no effort at all.
Manifestation Magic always contains the best of brainwave entrainment, which trains the brain to operate at a higher frequency and is built around the Solfeggio scales, tones that will heal you and help you manifest miracles in your life.
Click below to discover how Manifestation Magic can help you plant better thoughts into your mind and manifest the life you deserve.
How To Make Every Day Your Perfect Day By Raising Your Vibration!
Brainwave entrainment
It is one thing that a few people swear it works, a few people think it’s B.S. and most, do not understand.
If you’re amongst those that have
heard about this before but don’t know what it is or how it works, I don’t blame you. Google this and you’ll get a complicated scientific explanation.
You’ll learn about frequencies and brainwaves and how the brain works and many other things that make your head spin. I’m surprised that you aren’t required to have a PhD to learn about brainwave entrainment, because honestly, it feels that complicated sometimes and I’m one person who knows how to do this right.
So instead of giving you another complex definition of this, with theta and gamma states, I’ll ask you a basic question.
Have you ever had moments in your life when you felt like you “attracted” good luck?
You know what I’m talking about? You walk down the street and you feel people love you. They smile at you, nod at you and you feel connected to those around you.
You go to work and your boss is actually agreeable and amazing to work with. If only he’d be like this each day, you’d love your job. You meet with your friends and they’re so kind and friendly and you feel so supported.
Or maybe you even attract some amazing things in your life. You end up meeting an amazing person who becomes your significant other. Or some large sum of money comes from nowhere and you have no idea how this happened.
Did this ever happened to you?
Chances are that it did.
It happened to all of us. We all have rare moments when everything seems to just work fine. In those moments, the universe falls into order and you get exactly what you want.
After so many good things happened to you, you end up scratching your head and you ask yourself two questions…
“How the hell all of this happened after everything in my life was a frustrating mess for so long?”
“How can I make this happen again?”
The answer to both questions is simple. You were operating on a higher vibration level. You were in sync with the world around you and because of this; you were attracting all that’s good and joyful.
It’s nothing random. Maybe you, as a person, you looked and acted exactly the same. But your energy, the rate at which the particles your body vibrated were very different. They were at an optimal rate and because of this, instead of encountering frustration and pain and loss as we usually do, you attracted love and wealth and success.
It’s as simple as that.
Call it however you want, but when you’re on a low frequency, you are disconnected by those around you. You are disconnected to your world. You’re like a piece of an engine that is not fit anymore. It causes friction. It hurts more than it helps.
When you’re on a high vibration, high frequency, you’re like a well tuned, well-maintained engine and everything comes to you effortless. Life works. And yes, maybe modern science can’t explain this but it’s true because we are all experiencing it.
Everyone from average people to CEOs experienced periods in their life where everything fell in place where they attracted everything they ever wanted. And just like you, they’ve asked themselves how the heck all of this happened and what they could do for this to happen again.
So where does brainwave entrainment comes into play?
It’s a tool.
It’s a tool we’re so lucky to know about because it allows your brain to adapt and operate on that higher vibration level. Brainwave syncing are for the human brain what a Formula 1 pit crew is for a high performance car.
It takes even the worse out of sync brain, the one that’s operating on a very low frequency and constantly attracts pain and suffering and makes it work. It brings focus and energy and passion and increases the vibration of the user to the level where his life changes completely.
It’s so effective that some people call it “smart drugs for the brains” or “the best self-development tool that was ever created”. And I believe they’re right. I have noticed better results by using brainwave entrainment than anything else. Better than reading, better than journaling, better than meditation, even better than paying high priced energy healers.
This is how brainwave entrainment helps you.
Behind all those fancy terms, behind all those scientific explanations that almost nobody understands, brainwave entrainment work because it raises your vibrations. They help your brain work better. They put you in sync with the universe. And they help you act at your best, attracting the right people and circumstances in your life.
I mean, just imagine how your life would be if every day you’d be at your best. If every day you’d have that rare energy and focus and passion that attracts the right people and circumstances in your life. If each day, instead of pain and problems and obstacles, you’d be showered with good fortune.
Imagine how you’d feel if you could manifest your most precious goal in the next 24 hours. You could attract the person you love or attract money in your life or maybe get that opportunity to advance at work.
And now, picture a life where this happens each day, day in and day out, where good fortune is not some rare event that happens twice a year but a daily occurrence.
Do you want to do this?
Then I have exactly what you need.
I have created an unique program designed to bring your brain to the higher frequencies we’ve discussed. It’s plug and play. You need not do any homework with this. You need not research what different frequencies do or how to use them properly.
You just play them at night or when you’re resting and it will slowly adapt and tweak your brain for the higher vibrations you want. It’s like vitamin C. You listen to it and things get better but while vitamin C will prevent you from getting colds and will improve your immune system, what I have for you will help you manifest money, love, power or anything else that’s of importance to you.
So here’s the deal.
I call this program “Manifestation Magic”.
It’s the only program, as far as I know, that is especially designed to help you manifest what you desire in your life. Most brainwave entrainment programs are designed to just help you focus better or maybe to have more mental power.
This is admirable but I don’t want you to do math faster in your head. I don’t want you to be more productive. This is good but it will still take you years to get what you want.
I want you to manifest the life you desire.
I want you to attract, today, the love, the success, the wealth, the prosperity that’s rightfully yours.
You don’t have to read anything.
You don’t have to study.
You don’t have to actively participate in this.
You need to use it and to let the power of brainwave syncing tweak your brain and bring it on a higher level of vibration. You download it, put it on your phone and tonight, before you go to sleep, play it.
You need not do anything special.
Put your headsets on, listen and let it change it. Then soon you’ll see how things are different in your life. How people are more receptive. How opportunities you’ve never thought about show from nowhere. How everything feels right and you know this is “your day”.
And with the help of “Manifestation Magic”, every day will be your day.
Click on the link below to get started with brainwave entrainment and to manifest what you truly desire in your life.
The “Magical” Transformation That Happens When You Combine Two Of The Best Brain Reprogramming Technologies
You’ve heard of NLP?
It’s almost cultish.
It stands for neuro-linguistic programming and it’s like someone had taken the best out of all forms of psychotherapy, threw them in a blender and created NLP.
If you don’t get what I’m saying, NLP is two things.
First, it is a way of thinking. It’s a framework for how to approach your life to be more effective. It’s like a philosophy of life based on understanding how your brain functions.
Second, it is a psycho-therapy tool. It’s used to treat phobias and to change beliefs in patients. Some consider it as effective as CBT (cognitive-behavioral therapy) and most say it’s a lot faster than the Freudian school of thought.
Because at the core of NLP lies hypno-therapy. To be more specific, the “behavioral changing” part of NLP is built on the teachings of Milton Erickson, one if not the most famous hypnotherapists of all times. And you know what hypno-therapy does?
It’s an access, a hack, to your subconscious mind
Let me give you this analogy. Imagine your mind being like a computer. Your conscious mind is accessing programs, turning it on and off and so on. Normal user access. Your subconscious mind is like going into the settings, installing applications, deleting them, adding new users and so on.
It’s the “engine” or the “back room” that controls everything.
Well, NLP is like a hacker that can break the password of your subconscious mind and change there. It allows you to change beliefs and to change who you are, as a person, to your core. It goes to those deep thoughts and ideas you don’t even know you have and makes you act differently by tweaking your basic concepts of self.
It hijacks your subconscious mind, and it does it very well.
And with the use of NLP you can eliminate phobias, you can change basic preferences (as not liking chocolate anymore) or you can even cure wounds from the past, as those from childhood. It’s effective. It works well, and it’s endorsed by some of the best-known authors in the world. Tony Robbins built his career and success on NLP and if you run a survey amongst successful people, you’ll see that many of them are NLP practitioners or masters.
You can’t mess with what works.
So why am I telling you this?
If NLP is like a hacker that tweaks your subconscious mind so you can become the person you want to be, if NLP is like a design tool that allows you to redesign who you are, then brainwave entrainment is a tool that makes it faster and easier.
If NLP is the thief that breaks the lock-pick, then the use of brainwave entrainment with it is like having the best lock-pick in the world, making the process effortlessly.
And what does this mean for you?
It’s simple.
Use them both. Use the amazing power of NLP to change beliefs and self-identity concepts and use the power of brainwave entrainment to help your subconscious mind be receptive and open. Open the door with brainwave syncing and change the furniture with NLP.
A simple way to understand this is music.
Think about it and how easy it has the power to change you. You listen to a song and you’re not even paying attention to the lyrics. And yet, if it’s a sad song, you become sad. If it’s a lively song, it boosts your energy. If you listen it many times, you end up thinking like in the song.
Music is a great example of a tool that accesses your subconscious mind without even realizing. You turn on YouTube and through repetition and emotion, you end up being one with the music.
Have you tried reading a book you had no interest in reading? Maybe for college or work?
You read the words; they are verbalized in your mind but you end up forgetting everything. They “enter one year and exit another”. This is because your subconscious mind is as closed as it gets and learning can not happen in your conscious dimension.
This is why I use NLP in all my tools.
Brainwave entrainment is amazing for helping your mind operate at that higher frequency. They’re like Vitamin C for your life, making everything better. And if you use brainwave entrainment, this is enough to attract, to manifest good things in your life because you’ll be operating at a higher level.
True, lasting change comes not by attracting things in our lives but by changing who we are so those things become a natural order. It’s when we change our beliefs and ideas so we transform into people for whom success and happiness are two natural things.
And this is where NLP works so well. It works for everything from curing phobias of spiders to getting past PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) to program you to be more confident in front of a crowd or to be more assertive with your coworkers.
This is because while short-term wins are great - if you want a successful life, you must become the person who is naturally successful. And the only difference between you and a successful person is that the other one developed the beliefs and identity of such a person. If you develop them too, there’s nothing stopping you from doing just.
I build my program “Manifestation Magic” around NLP.
Each audio contains hidden embedded commands that reprogram your subconscious mind. Like a good hacker, brainwave syncing is opening the path to your subconscious mind while NLP commands are transforming who you are into the best version you could ever be.
These are called “NLP patterns” and they’re designed to be as easy to receive by the subconscious mind as possible. I do this through a combination of pacing, intonation and wording so your mind can accept them as commands, as truth, without getting defensive. It’s like music, just so much more powerful.
Basically, an NLP pattern is what a hypno-therapist would tell you to put you into a trance. It is highly suggestive language that bypasses your rational filters to reach where it matters most, your subconscious mind.
NLP plus brainwave entrainment is like having a hacker change your mind. NLP alone can access your subconscious thoughts but when paired with brainwave entrainment, the results are mind blowing. You can see a real change in days when all other methods you’ve tried for a long time like therapy failed.
This is the secret behind “Manifestation Magic”.
This is why it works. It works because instead of just using brainwave entrainment to help you operate at a higher frequency, at a higher vibration, it also changes who you are at your core. The result is a total personal transformation into the person you’ve always wanted to be but never known how.
Click on the link below to discover more about how “Manifestation Magic” can help you.
Manifestation Magic Review
It’s not often that we come across a “law of attraction” type of product that helps you with your health. Most of these products are concerned with wealth creation and living an abundant life.
But… we also live in a world where people are more sick and unhealthy than ever before. Obesity has reached epidemic proportions. Disease statistics are at an all time high.
So, our curiosity was piqued when we came across Manifestation Magic and one of our reviewers said that it helped him with his health. Nothing whatsoever on the website mentioned anything about health.
It seemed to be all about wealth. So why did it work?
We decided to take a closer look at the program…
What You’ll Find Inside:
Before looking at the benefits of Manifestation Magic, let’s look at what you get – and you do get a lot.
·         Quick Start Manifestation Guide (PDF, Kindle, iBook versions)
·         Twilight Transformation Energy Orbiting Track
·         7 “Energy Orbiting” Tracks to Enhance Chakra Wealth Energy.
·         The “Push Play” Audio App
·         60-Day, Money-Back Guarantee
·         Bonus #1 - Chakra Power System
·         Bonus #2 - 360 Transformation System
·         2 Surprise Bonuses – The Abundance Miracle System & 7 Sacred Signs
This package sure doesn’t hold back. We were quite surprised to receive so much content for a reasonably low price.
Manifestation Magic is a complete system that’s more comprehensive than most books in this genre… BUT… content alone isn’t enough.
There is still one VERY IMPORTANT question that must be answered…
Will Manifestation Magic Help You?
1.    Actions that matter: The biggest problem we had with books like The Secret was that all you had to do was think positively to see results. This Pollyanna approach to manifesting wealth or anything in life sounds good, but rarely works. Manifestation magic requires you to listen to the audios. This is work. It’s not hard work – but it’s necessary work.
2.    Builds a strong foundation: The reason why Manifestation Magic works and has positive testimonials is because of the science behind it. You're gently taken from a place of lack to a place of abundance. This is crucial.
The reason it helps you with your health is because it creates thought patterns within your mind where you are more focused and stick to your goals.
The expertly designed sonic landscape in the audios will induce a state of calm attention where you don’t lose focus and renege on the promises you made to yourself.
Manifestation Magic is not only about wealth. It fixes the underlying and fundamental issues in your thinking that is sabotaging every aspect of your life in one way or another. It helps you to get healthy and stay healthy .
It's very difficult to do this solely with books, because we are creatures of habit. So, by listening to the audios, we can delve deeply into the mind and fix the inconsistencies that are sabotaging our efforts. Manifestation Magic does this better than any book we've seen.
3.    Consistency:By asking you to listen to the tracks daily, Manifestation Magic builds patterns of thought and habits without you even realizing it. You’re becoming more positive and your thinking is elevated to the next level.
4.    Clearing out the trash: No amount of positive thinking can work if you’re still stuck in your old patterns of thinking. It’s like applying nail polish on a rash to hide it.
You must treat the problem. Manifestation magic has “Energy Orbiting” audio sessions to clear abundance blocks in your mind. By clearing the old obstacles, your path will now be clear to manifest miracles without your attempts being impeded.
5.    All-Encompassing System: On the surface, Manifestation magic looked like just another run-of-the-mill self-help product. We were so wrong.
There are audios, a QuickStart guide and about 14 bonus audios that will help you with your wealth, love life, spirituality, etc. It’s so much more than a wealth attraction product and it lived up to its promises.
6.    Easy to use: There’s no denying the fact that it’s easier to listen to audios rather than force yourself to think and visualize positive images when your life around you is in shambles.
Manifestation Magic is a very practical and down-to-earth program that understands that you need to make changes WITHIN before you can make changes in your life. The canvas must be clean before you can create a masterpiece. We loved the audio tracks with the gentle pulsating sounds!
7.    Genuine Testimonials: The official sales page has reviews from customers who have tried the product and seen changes in their life. That’s social proof that the audio tracks deliver on the promise.
8.    Instant access: This is a digital product. You’ll get instant access to it and can start changing your immediately. No shipping costs or delays.
9.    60-Day Money Back Guarantee: This point alone shows the abundance mindset that Alexander has. He has so much faith in his product that he has given you enough time to test out the product and make changes in your life.
If it doesn’t work, you can always get your money back. We’re guessing that you won’t because Manifestation Magic will add magic in your life. Still, it’s a risk-free purchase.
What are Subliminal Messages and NLP?
Subliminal messages have been around for decades. Terms such as ‘self-hypnosis’, ‘binaural beats’ etc. have been used to describe audio tracks that gently work on reprogramming your subconscious mind while you sleep. These tracks are easy to use because they require very little effort on your part. All you do listen to them when you’re in a sleepy and more suggestive state.
NLP refers to neurolinguistic programming and it was invented by Richard Bandler and John Grinder. NLP is used to change your behavioral patterns by altering your neurological processes. It’s akin to creating new outcomes by changing your habits.
What makes Manifestation Magic so powerful is that the audio tracks that come with this program infuse both subliminal messages and NLP. That makes these tracks even more potent and effective.
Any downsides to this product?
There are a few downsides. No product is perfect… and thankfully, the only 2 cons we could fine were just minor issues.
1) Can only be purchased online You’ll not be able to purchase this product from a bookstore. It’s a digital product and you need a computer and an internet connection to access and download it.
The product vendors intentionally made it this way so that they could keep the production costs low and make it affordable to the masses - and help as many people as possible.
2) Audio tracks may not be suitable for everyone Some people may find it difficult to listen to the tracks because the frequency may be jarring to them. This is a very small minority – but it happens.
The good news is that you just need to contact the support team of Manifestation Magic and they’ll mix a new audio track for you with a different frequency that you can easily listen to – and they will do it for FREE! Excellent customer support here.
Should You Buy It?
Definitely! This product delivers what it says on the tin. You’re backed by a guarantee and you’ve nothing to lose and everything to gain.
It bridges the gap between visualization and results. The audios will accelerate your results if you’re already practicing daily visualization. It’s the missing piece of the puzzle.
There must be action, if you wish to see results. Listening to the audios is the action that you must take to change your life fast and manifest the health you wish to see.
It’s all about breaking old habits and forming a new mindset. The same rules that apply to improving wealth applies to everything else in your life. It all comes down to mindset – and the Manifestation Magic audio tracks will change your thought patterns.
You can achieve the body of your dreams. You can lose weight, get fit and look and feel like a million dollars. The struggles that you were going through before will disappear once you get out of your own way.
It may seem like hype, and we were cynical too… but Manifestation Magic does give you the edge you need to make your dreams come true. You’ll finally stop sabotaging your own progress and good health will be the norm.
Give it a try and you’ll never look back.
Manifestation Magic Review
It’s not often that we come across a “law of attraction” type of product that helps you with love. Most of these products are concerned with wealth creation and living an abundant life.
But… we also live in a world where divorce rates are at an all-time high.
Relationships break up over the most trivial matters. The bookstores are filled with books such as “He’s Just Not That Into You” and “Men are From Mars. Women are from Outer Space”, etc.
All these books are about trying to find the right partner or manage a crumbling relationship. Some of the authors who wrote these books are divorced too!
So, our curiosity was piqued when we came across Manifestation Magic and one of our reviewers said that it helped her with her love life. Nothing whatsoever on the sales page mentioned anything about love.
It seemed to be all about wealth. So why did it work?
We decided to take a closer look at the program…
What You’ll Find Inside:
Before looking at the benefits of Manifestation Magic, let’s look at what you get – and you do get a lot.
·         Quick Start Manifestation Guide (PDF, Kindle, iBook versions)
·         Twilight Transformation Energy Orbiting Track
·         7 “Energy Orbiting” Tracks to Enhance Chakra Wealth Energy.
·         The “Push Play” Audio App
·         60-Day, Money-Back Guarantee
·         Bonus #1 - Chakra Power System
·         Bonus #2 - 360 Transformation System
·         2 Surprise Bonuses – The Abundance Miracle System & 7 Sacred Signs
This package sure doesn’t hold back. We were quite surprised to receive so much content for a reasonably low price.
Manifestation Magic is a complete system that’s more comprehensive than most books in this genre… BUT… content alone isn’t enough.
There is still one VERY IMPORTANT question that must be answered…
Will Manifestation Magic Help You?
1.    Actions that matter: The biggest problem we had with books like The Secret was that all you had to do was think positively to see results. This Pollyanna approach to manifesting wealth or anything in life sounds good, but rarely works. Manifestation magic requires you to listen to the audios. This is work. It’s not hard work – but it’s necessary work.
2.    Builds a strong foundation: The reason why Manifestation Magic works and has positive testimonials is because of the science behind it. You're gently taken from a place of lack to a place of abundance. This is crucial.
The reason it helps you with your health is because it creates thought patterns within your mind where you are more focused and stick to your goals.
The expertly designed sonic landscape in the audios will induce a state of calm attention where you don’t lose focus and renege on the promises you made to yourself.
Manifestation Magic is not only about wealth. It fixes the underlying and fundamental issues in your thinking that is sabotaging every aspect of your life in one way or another. It helps you to get healthy and stay healthy .
It's very difficult to do this solely with books, because we are creatures of habit. So, by listening to the audios, we can delve deeply into the mind and fix the inconsistencies that are sabotaging our efforts. Manifestation Magic does this better than any book we've seen.
3.    Consistency:By asking you to listen to the tracks daily, Manifestation Magic builds patterns of thought and habits without you even realizing it. You’re becoming more positive and your thinking is elevated to the next level.
4.    Clearing out the trash: No amount of positive thinking can work if you’re still stuck in your old patterns of thinking. It’s like applying nail polish on a rash to hide it.
You must treat the problem. Manifestation magic has “Energy Orbiting” audio sessions to clear abundance blocks in your mind. By clearing the old obstacles, your path will now be clear to manifest miracles without your attempts being impeded.
5.    All-Encompassing System: On the surface, Manifestation magic looked like just another run-of-the-mill self-help product. We were so wrong.
There are audios, a QuickStart guide and about 14 bonus audios that will help you with your wealth, love life, spirituality, etc. It’s so much more than a wealth attraction product and it lived up to its promises.
6.    Easy to use: There’s no denying the fact that it’s easier to listen to audios rather than force yourself to think and visualize positive images when your life around you is in shambles.
Manifestation Magic is a very practical and down-to-earth program that understands that you need to make changes WITHIN before you can make changes in your life. The canvas must be clean before you can create a masterpiece. We loved the audio tracks with the gentle pulsating sounds!
7.    Genuine Testimonials: The official sales page has reviews from customers who have tried the product and seen changes in their life. That’s social proof that the audio tracks deliver on the promise.
8.    Instant access: This is a digital product. You’ll get instant access to it and can start changing your immediately. No shipping costs or delays.
9.    60-Day Money Back Guarantee: This point alone shows the abundance mindset that Alexander has. He has so much faith in his product that he has given you enough time to test out the product and make changes in your life.
If it doesn’t work, you can always get your money back. We’re guessing that you won’t because Manifestation Magic will add magic in your life. Still, it’s a risk-free purchase.
What are Subliminal Messages and NLP?
Subliminal messages have been around for decades. Terms such as ‘self-hypnosis’, ‘binaural beats’ etc. have been used to describe audio tracks that gently work on reprogramming your subconscious mind while you sleep. These tracks are easy to use because they require very little effort on your part. All you do listen to them when you’re in a sleepy and more suggestive state.
NLP refers to neurolinguistic programming and it was invented by Richard Bandler and John Grinder. NLP is used to change your behavioral patterns by altering your neurological processes. It’s akin to creating new outcomes by changing your habits.
What makes Manifestation Magic so powerful is that the audio tracks that come with this program infuse both subliminal messages and NLP. That makes these tracks even more potent and effective.
Any downsides to this product?
There are a few downsides. No product is perfect… and thankfully, the only 2 cons we could fine were just minor issues.
1) Can only be purchased online You’ll not be able to purchase this product from a bookstore. It’s a digital product and you need a computer and an internet connection to access and download it.
The product vendors intentionally made it this way so that they could keep the production costs low and make it affordable to the masses - and help as many people as possible.
2) Audio tracks may not be suitable for everyone Some people may find it difficult to listen to the tracks because the frequency may be jarring to them. This is a very small minority – but it happens.
The good news is that you just need to contact the support team of Manifestation Magic and they’ll mix a new audio track for you with a different frequency that you can easily listen to – and they will do it for FREE! Excellent customer support here.
Should You Buy It?
Definitely! This product delivers what it says on the tin. You’re backed by a guarantee and you’ve nothing to lose and everything to gain.
It bridges the gap between visualization and results. The audios will accelerate your results if you’re already practicing daily visualization. It’s the missing piece of the puzzle.
There must be action, if you wish to see results. Listening to the audios is the action that you must take to change your life fast and manifest the health you wish to see.
It’s all about breaking old habits and forming a new mindset. The same rules that apply to improving wealth applies to everything else in your life. It all comes down to mindset – and the Manifestation Magic audio tracks will change your thought patterns.
You can achieve the body of your dreams. You can lose weight, get fit and look and feel like a million dollars. The struggles that you were going through before will disappear once you get out of your own way.
It may seem like hype, and we were cynical too… but Manifestation Magic does give you the edge you need to make your dreams come true. You’ll finally stop sabotaging your own progress and good health will be the norm.
Give it a try and you’ll never look back.
Manifestation Magic Review
It’s not often that we come across a “law of attraction” type of product that helps you spiritually. Most of these products are concerned with wealth creation and living an abundant life.
But... we also live in a world where people are confused about life and find no real purpose in it. While having money is great, where is the satisfaction?
Despite there being so many religions, people are feeling more lost than ever before. They feel like something is missing in their lives.
So, our curiosity was piqued when we came across Manifestation Magic and one of our reviewers said that it helped him spiritually. Nothing whatsoever on the sales page mentioned anything about spirituality.
It seemed to be all about wealth. So why did it work?
We decided to take a closer look at the program...
What You’ll Find Inside:
Before looking at the benefits of Manifestation Magic, let’s look at what you get – and you do get a lot.
·         Quick Start Manifestation Guide (PDF, Kindle, iBook versions)
·         Twilight Transformation Energy Orbiting Track
·         7 “Energy Orbiting” Tracks to Enhance Chakra Wealth Energy.
·         The “Push Play” Audio App
·         60-Day, Money-Back Guarantee
·         Bonus #1 - Chakra Power System
·         Bonus #2 - 360 Transformation System
·         2 Surprise Bonuses – The Abundance Miracle System & 7 Sacred Signs
This package sure doesn’t hold back. We were quite surprised to receive so much content for a reasonably low price.
Manifestation Magic is a complete system that’s more comprehensive than most books in this genre… BUT… content alone isn’t enough.
There is still one VERY IMPORTANT question that must be answered…
Will Manifestation Magic Help You?
1.    Actions that matter: The biggest problem we had with books like The Secret was that all you had to do was think positively to see results. This Pollyanna approach to manifesting wealth or anything in life sounds good, but rarely works. Manifestation magic requires you to listen to the audios. This is work. It’s not hard work – but it’s necessary work.
2.    Builds a strong foundation: The reason why Manifestation Magic works and has positive testimonials is because of the science behind it. You're gently taken from a place of lack to a place of abundance. This is crucial.
The reason it helps you with your spiritual life is because it improves your self-esteem. You discover that you are worth more than you realize.
Manifestation Magic is not only about wealth. It fixes the underlying and fundamental issues in your thinking that is sabotaging every aspect of your life in one way or another. It helps you to find your purpose in life.
It's very difficult to do this solely with books, because we are creatures of habit. So, by listening to the audios, we can delve deeply into the mind and fix the inconsistencies that are sabotaging our efforts. Manifestation Magic does this better than any book we've seen.
3.    Consistency:By asking you to listen to the tracks daily, Manifestation Magic builds patterns of thought and habits without you even realizing it. You’re becoming more positive and your thinking is elevated to the next level.
4.    Clearing out the trash: No amount of positive thinking can work if you’re still stuck in your old patterns of thinking. It’s like applying nail polish on a rash to hide it.
You must treat the problem. Manifestation magic has “Energy Orbiting” audio sessions to clear abundance blocks in your mind. By clearing the old obstacles, your path will now be clear to manifest miracles without your attempts being impeded.
5.    All-Encompassing System: On the surface, Manifestation magic looked like just another run-of-the-mill self-help product. We were so wrong.
There are audios, a QuickStart guide and about 14 bonus audios that will help you with your wealth, love life, spirituality, etc. It’s so much more than a wealth attraction product and it lived up to its promises.
6.    Easy to use: There’s no denying the fact that it’s easier to listen to audios rather than force yourself to think and visualize positive images when your life around you is in shambles.
Manifestation Magic is a very practical and down-to-earth program that understands that you need to make changes WITHIN before you can make changes in your life. The canvas must be clean before you can create a masterpiece. We loved the audio tracks with the gentle pulsating sounds!
7.    Genuine Testimonials: The official sales page has reviews from customers who have tried the product and seen changes in their life. That’s social proof that the audio tracks deliver on the promise.
8.    Instant access: This is a digital product. You’ll get instant access to it and can start changing your immediately. No shipping costs or delays.
9.    60-Day Money Back Guarantee: This point alone shows the abundance mindset that Alexander has. He has so much faith in his product that he has given you enough time to test out the product and make changes in your life.
If it doesn’t work, you can always get your money back. We’re guessing that you won’t because Manifestation Magic will add magic in your life. Still, it’s a risk-free purchase.
What are Subliminal Messages and NLP?
Subliminal messages have been around for decades. Terms such as ‘self-hypnosis’, ‘binaural beats’ etc. have been used to describe audio tracks that gently work on reprogramming your subconscious mind while you sleep. These tracks are easy to use because they require very little effort on your part. All you do listen to them when you’re in a sleepy and more suggestive state.
NLP refers to neurolinguistic programming and it was invented by Richard Bandler and John Grinder. NLP is used to change your behavioral patterns by altering your neurological processes. It’s akin to creating new outcomes by changing your habits.
What makes Manifestation Magic so powerful is that the audio tracks that come with this program infuse both subliminal messages and NLP. That makes these tracks even more potent and effective.
Any downsides to this product?
There are a few downsides. No product is perfect… and thankfully, the only 2 cons we could fine were just minor issues.
1) Can only be purchased online You’ll not be able to purchase this product from a bookstore. It’s a digital product and you need a computer and an internet connection to access and download it.
The product vendors intentionally made it this way so that they could keep the production costs low and make it affordable to the masses - and help as many people as possible.
2) Audio tracks may not be suitable for everyone Some people may find it difficult to listen to the tracks because the frequency may be jarring to them. This is a very small minority – but it happens.
The good news is that you just need to contact the support team of Manifestation Magic and they’ll mix a new audio track for you with a different frequency that you can easily listen to – and they will do it for FREE! Excellent customer support here.
Should You Buy It?
Definitely! This product delivers what it says on the tin. You’re backed by a guarantee and you’ve nothing to lose and everything to gain.
It bridges the gap between visualization and results. The audios will accelerate your results if you’re already practicing daily visualization. It’s the missing piece of the puzzle.
There must be action, if you wish to see results. Listening to the audios is the action that you must take to change your life fast and manifest the health you wish to see.
To become an oasis of peace in a mad world, you need to remove negative thoughts and actions that you’re accustomed to. Manifestation Magic with the Chakra Power System will help you to discard the emotional baggage that has been weighing you down.
Your thinking will be elevated to the next level and you will finally feel good without constantly worrying. There is immeasurable power in being peaceful.
Give the audio tracks a try and you’ll never look back.
Manifestation Magic Review
The most common reason why people get self-help guides and attraction mindset products is so that they can attract wealth. Most people will agree that they could always use more money.
You’d think that with all the guides and products out there, everyone would be rich and living an abundant life. Yet, most people struggle daily.
When we came across the “Manifestation Magic” website, our first question was, “Does the world need another product on the law of attraction?”
Putting our skepticism aside, we decided to review this product… and give you a brutally honest review about it.
Manifestation Magic is a series of audio tracks that have brainwave entrainment frequencies. By listening to these tracks when you’re about to sleep, your brain will be more receptive to the hypnotic suggestions.
There will be much less external and internal interference. It’s a brilliant concept.
What You’ll Find Inside:
Before looking at the benefits of Manifestation Magic, let’s look at what you get – and you do get a lot.
·         Quick Start Manifestation Guide (PDF, Kindle, iBook versions)
·         Twilight Transformation Energy Orbiting Track
·         7 “Energy Orbiting” Tracks to Enhance Chakra Wealth Energy.
·         The “Push Play” Audio App
·         60-Day, Money-Back Guarantee
·         Bonus #1 - Chakra Power System
·         Bonus #2 - 360 Transformation System
·         2 Surprise Bonuses – The Abundance Miracle System & 7 Sacred Signs
This package sure doesn’t hold back. We were quite surprised to receive so much content for a reasonably low price.
Manifestation Magic is a complete system that’s more comprehensive than most books in this genre… BUT… content alone isn’t enough.
There is still one VERY IMPORTANT question that must be answered…
Will Manifestation Magic Help You?
1.    Actions that matter: The biggest problem we had with books like The Secret was that all you had to do was think positively to see results. This Pollyanna approach to manifesting wealth or anything in life sounds good, but rarely works. Manifestation magic requires you to listen to the audios. This is work. It’s not hard work – but it’s necessary work.
2.    Builds a strong foundation: The reason why Manifestation Magic works and has positive testimonials is because of the science behind it. You're gently taken from a place of lack to a place of abundance. This is crucial.
The reason it helps you with your health is because it creates thought patterns within your mind where you are more focused and stick to your goals.
The expertly designed sonic landscape in the audios will induce a state of calm attention where you don’t lose focus and renege on the promises you made to yourself.
Manifestation Magic is not only about wealth. It fixes the underlying and fundamental issues in your thinking that is sabotaging every aspect of your life in one way or another. It helps you to get healthy and stay healthy .
It's very difficult to do this solely with books, because we are creatures of habit. So, by listening to the audios, we can delve deeply into the mind and fix the inconsistencies that are sabotaging our efforts. Manifestation Magic does this better than any book we've seen.
3.    Consistency:By asking you to listen to the tracks daily, Manifestation Magic builds patterns of thought and habits without you even realizing it. You’re becoming more positive and your thinking is elevated to the next level.
4.    Clearing out the trash: No amount of positive thinking can work if you’re still stuck in your old patterns of thinking. It’s like applying nail polish on a rash to hide it.
You must treat the problem. Manifestation magic has “Energy Orbiting” audio sessions to clear abundance blocks in your mind. By clearing the old obstacles, your path will now be clear to manifest miracles without your attempts being impeded.
5.    All-Encompassing System: On the surface, Manifestation magic looked like just another run-of-the-mill self-help product. We were so wrong.
There are audios, a QuickStart guide and about 14 bonus audios that will help you with your wealth, love life, spirituality, etc. It’s so much more than a wealth attraction product and it lived up to its promises.
6.    Easy to use: There’s no denying the fact that it’s easier to listen to audios rather than force yourself to think and visualize positive images when your life around you is in shambles.
Manifestation Magic is a very practical and down-to-earth program that understands that you need to make changes WITHIN before you can make changes in your life. The canvas must be clean before you can create a masterpiece. We loved the audio tracks with the gentle pulsating sounds!
7.    Genuine Testimonials: The official sales page has reviews from customers who have tried the product and seen changes in their life. That’s social proof that the audio tracks deliver on the promise.
8.    Instant access: This is a digital product. You’ll get instant access to it and can start changing your immediately. No shipping costs or delays.
9.    60-Day Money Back Guarantee: This point alone shows the abundance mindset that Alexander has. He has so much faith in his product that he has given you enough time to test out the product and make changes in your life.
If it doesn’t work, you can always get your money back. We’re guessing that you won’t because Manifestation Magic will add magic in your life. Still, it’s a risk-free purchase.
What are Subliminal Messages and NLP?
Subliminal messages have been around for decades. Terms such as ‘self-hypnosis’, ‘binaural beats’ etc. have been used to describe audio tracks that gently work on reprogramming your subconscious mind while you sleep. These tracks are easy to use because they require very little effort on your part. All you do listen to them when you’re in a sleepy and more suggestive state.
NLP refers to neurolinguistic programming and it was invented by Richard Bandler and John Grinder. NLP is used to change your behavioral patterns by altering your neurological processes. It’s akin to creating new outcomes by changing your habits.
What makes Manifestation Magic so powerful is that the audio tracks that come with this program infuse both subliminal messages and NLP. That makes these tracks even more potent and effective.
Any downsides to this product?
There are a few downsides. No product is perfect… and thankfully, the only 2 cons we could fine were just minor issues.

1) Can only be purchased online You’ll not be able to purchase this product from a bookstore. It’s a digital product and you need a computer and an internet connection to access and download it.
The product vendors intentionally made it this way so that they could keep the production costs low and make it affordable to the masses - and help as many people as possible.
2) Audio tracks may not be suitable for everyone Some people may find it difficult to listen to the tracks because the frequency may be jarring to them. This is a very small minority – but it happens.
The good news is that you just need to contact the support team of Manifestation Magic and they’ll mix a new audio track for you with a different frequency that you can easily listen to – and they will do it for FREE! Excellent customer support here.
Should You Buy It?
Definitely! This product delivers what it says on the tin. You’re backed by a guarantee and you’ve nothing to lose and everything to gain.
It bridges the gap between visualization and results. The audios will accelerate your results if you’re already practicing daily visualization. It’s the missing piece of the puzzle.
There must be action, if you wish to see results. Listening to the audios is the action that you must take to change your life fast and manifest the health you wish to see.
The house of your dreams, the fast car your heart desires, the extra money in your bank and the financial freedom you want is within reach. It may seem like hype, and we were cynical too… but Manifestation Magic does give you the edge you need to make your dreams come true.
Give it a try and you’ll never look back.
You manifest a new reality.
And for this, you need just to get clearer on what you want and my program “Manifestation Magic”. Get clear on what your heart wants and then listen to my program daily.
From a source unknown that you can’t even predict you’ll receive your gift from the universe. It’s so hard to explain or to understand until you experience it.
But once you do, you’ll be a believer for the rest of your life.
You’ll think you’ve been blind all your life and now you can finally see.
To get started and to discover how “Manifestation Magic” will help you manifest the life you deserve, click on the link below.
  • You manifest a new reality.
And for this, you need just to get clearer on what you want and my program “Manifestation Magic”. Get clear on what your heart wants and then listen to my program daily.
From a source unknown that you can’t even predict you’ll receive your gift from the universe. It’s so hard to explain or to understand until you experience it.
But once you do, you’ll be a believer for the rest of your life.
You’ll think you’ve been blind all your life and now you can finally see.
To get started and to discover how “Manifestation Magic” will help you manifest the life you deserve, click on the link below.

10 Manifestation Myths You Need To Stop Believing Now!
You already understand that knowledge is power. And when used properly, it can change the world.
But before taking on changing the world, there are the little changes each and every one of us struggles with. The ones we reject because we don’t fully understand them.
Manifestation, Attraction, the Law of Abundance are all widely misunderstood topics. They are often rejected by people as some sort of mumbo jumbo hippie talk.
And that’s just because there are countless myths surrounding them. Myths that have been ingrained in our general knowledge and belief system so much, that we end up completely rejecting the true benefits of manifestation.
While there are numerous myths, I’ll share just a few of the ones I’ve personally struggled with. The ones that made my path cluttered with obstacles. And the ones that, once eliminated, paved the way for true abundance in my life.
1. Avoid Negativity
So many self-made manifestation “gurus” preach this. And it’s impossible. Negativity is not what comes from the outside. It’s our response to negative behavior, speeches, and actions. When met with understanding and compassion, negativity is the first building block on your path of self-fulfillment and manifestation. Become the energy you believe in and share it with others!
2. Focus, Fixate, Obsess
This is the most harmful myths out there. Obsessing about ANYTHING will only lead to frustration. It starts with excitement. Then quickly turns into frustration. The energy, the vibration you’re sending into the universe will no longer be a positive one. And you will not manifest your desires! You will BLOCK them.
So stop obsessing! You need to TRUST that you will manifest what you want.
3. Abundance = Material Gain
I personally started my manifestation journey desiring a better financial situation. I wanted to finish my mortgage early, to get rid of my student loans, and to qualify for a lease on a new car I really want. I even put them up on a vision board, alongside photos of my dream vacation destinations.
And nothing happened. Because every time I would look at them, I’d be sad and frustrated seeing all the things I did not have! Only when I gave up those feelings and realized that manifestation starts with a positive state of mind I was able to manifest them all.
4. It’s All About the Destination!
FALSE! And you might have felt it by now. Because when you only focus on the final goal you miss amazing opportunities along the road. You miss connections, experiences, and most important, valuable life lessons that make the journey easier. So to put it simply, stop and smell the roses!
5. You Manifest Through Your Thoughts!
Now this will never happen! If you believe you can lie on your couch and a bag of cash will drop from the sky on your lap, you’re dead wrong! Manifestation works through thoughts, actions, feelings, AND frequency/vibration combined!
You won’t be able to manifest anything if you don’t take action towards your dreams. So yes, you need to open up and talk about your plans! You need to take action, even if it’s with baby steps. It’s better than doing nothing and it’s definitely part of true manifestation techniques!
6. Manifesting Is Hard and Difficult!
No! Manifestation should not be hard. It is not supposed to be a focus drill where you’re put in a puddle of mud made by your thoughts and somehow you have to keep your head above the muddy mess you are in!
Manifestation feels more like daydreaming. And I’m not trying to under evaluate its power. It’s the easiness of it all which should transpire from this. And, to be honest, daydreaming is a form of manifestation. If you are trying hard to force things, you aren’t trusting.
7. “The Secret” Has All The Answers
I respect Rhonda Burne tremendously and the way she delivered the message of metaphysics to the masses was incredible. However, I do believe she neglected to explore VIBRATION, YOUR vibration, which is the core essence of manifesting.
The Law of Vibration is as important as the Law of Attraction and it needs to be properly addressed, as we all have different frequencies that need to harmonize in order to fully manifest the things we desire.
8. Meditation Requires Emptying Your Mind
This is not achievable without years of daily practice. So focusing on emptying your mind of any and all thoughts is not the way to go about it if you want results anytime soon. Meditation as a form of manifestation works best if you embrace the power of surrendering and practice mindfulness.
To understand your train of thought, your belief system, and how your mind jumps from one thing to another, you need to be in observer mode. Only then will you be able to declutter and focus on what is important to you in a powerful state of flow and not an obsessive manner.
9. Manifestation is Mysterious
A lot of people think manifestation is a mysterious thing that just happens magically. That’s not true! Manifestation happens when your frequency is in alignment with the frequency of creation.
When your vibration is aligned, then your intention for what you want becomes like a magnet, attracting it to you. Like attracts like. When your frequency is off, that alignment just doesn’t happen. That’s why Manifestation Magic works so well. It focuses on shifting your frequency.
10. Affirmations are the Key to Manifestation
Many people believe that if they just repeat a mantra or an affirmation over and over, it will make all their dreams magically come true. That would be nice, but it’s unfortunately not accurate.
Affirmations alone don’t go straight into the subconscious. So they might have a small effect, but subconscious programming will override anything just done on a conscious level.
Luckily, Manifestation Magic overcomes this limitation by using the combination of guided meditations that utilize neuro-linguistic programming along with brainwave entrainment audio frequencies that are aligned with the frequency of manifestation. This powerful combo connects directly with the subconscious, overriding the conscious mind’s programming.
And that is the TRUE key to manifestation.
So, if you truly want a manifestation program that will hold your hand on the path of self-discovery, attraction, abundance, and freedom, then Manifestation Magic is the way to go. And I promise you, there are no myths about it. Just clarity!


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