solar panel price- unknown facts about solar panels

I can very well understand that people who live in a clean environment may not think it really justifiable to pay a high amount of money for installing a solar panel system. They are justifiable in their act about solar panel price since they do not themselves experience the negative effect of pollutants.

However I can say that the toxic emissions from using fossils fuels can pose a threat to the environment as a whole if not directly to our breathing space.  Now it is the responsibility of the government to promote solar energy throughout the country with the help of incentives like tax rebates. I am confident that when people are given incentives to install solar energy panels then they will do so with fewer reservations than they have to install without any bonus.

Now you might ask me ask me a question that do solar panels work when it is cloudy? Now an average person would no doubt guess that well no since how can they when there is no sunshine for the solar panel to work with. Now I am going to reveal that the answer is partially true.

Evacuated Tube Solar Collectors

The solar panels are not as efficient in cloudy conditions as during bright and sunny days. Now it is a fact that the production of solar panels is reduced by at least 50% on a cloudy day and may be even down to just 5 to 10% of what they can actually produce on sunny days.

Facts About Solar Energy

Now the point is that they can actually do their job during cloudy days even at a reduced rate. I think this is a great testament to the amazing technology that solar panels are and now let us look a bit deeper into this fact. So you must be wondering how it is even possible for solar panels to produce any electricity at all on cloudy days.

How is Solar Energy Harnessed

Yes, solar panel price the answer lies in the incredible technology used by a single solar cell, which takes the light from the sun or photons which are basically particles of light and converts them to electricity. We should thank the silicon in the cells which reacts with the sunlight to generate and electrical charge. Now if you want to know some more unknown facts about solar panels then please click here.


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