dog training videos-is the art of redirection an efficient cure for the most common doggie don’ts?

dog training videos a dog trainer in San Diego, the most common question that he was asked was usually “ how do I get my dog to stop?” many of the biggest challenges owners face with their best friends revolve around annoying behaviors that their dogs develop.

Jumping up, leash pulling, barking, nipping and cot coming when called are some of the most common problems owners face. Feel free to substitute your dogs own annoying behavior in the list above. We will soon be on the way to solving these challenging issues.

His frequent response to a general question regarding the aforementioned behaviors is another question: “what is it that you want to dog to do instead?”  Before we try to stop a challenging in a certain scenario, we must first ask ourselves what is the ideal behavior that our dog can perform.

All too often we see a person first reaction to an un wanted behavior is to react by attempting to curb, halt or punish the dog for misbehaving, STOP RIGHT THERE. Before we start whispering or yelling corrections with a chat- chat, baht or no we need to analyze what’s going on.

Your dog is simply acting out a role in a well rehearsed behavior model, and one that we can take control of without the need to punish. An example of common problem we treat starts as an owner and dog are approached by a guest or stranger, many times accompanied by another dog.

The owner typically prepares the dog for the upcoming interaction by tightening up on a leash, signaling to the dog that it is now time to begin the typical drill. Feel free to instep, halter, harness, leader, choker, chain or other correction device in place of the word leash above.

At this point the dog now understands that the owner is appropriately prepared for the antics and my begin running, jumping, barking, pulling, growling. For most owners facing this situation, the pulling increases, yelling might ensue, and the dog and owner eventually get what they have been trained to expect from the situation.

At this point we have failed to correct the problem, and are disappointed that it has all happened again. Maybe next time the owner will yell NO a little louder, or let’s take control appropriately and add a little redirection, not a correction.

Redirection involves taking the dogs attention from a distance stimulus and getting the dog to focus on the owner, who may then ask the dog to perform the appropriate behavior. In the example above, and in many other scenarios, getting the dogs attention and having it sit works well.

Now instead of the antics, we have a dog sitting. Reinforce this behavior with tons of praise and attention, you are doing great. The dog may still feel challenged, wanting to get up, regressing to the same old terms.

DO NOT CORRECT, KEEP REDIRECTING, ask the dog to sit again, and again reinforce the great behavior. Don’t get upset, don’t yell, and don’t punish. Keep asking for the most desirable behavior. Of course this may seem too easy, that because it takes patience and practice.

The amount of attention an owner can capture from the dog is usually limited by the level of distraction, so start your practice in a neutral environment and build up more distractions. Once you have it mastered, you will never have to say do gain, and your dog will love your for it.

When it comes to training your dog there are thousands of ways you can go wrong. Many people are trying to train on their own without help or tips can actually make everything worse than it was first. So I am here to here to solve these complications for you so that training your dog will be easy and effective.

First you need to remember that dog training is all about knowing the one for your training. Learn each other are every move. In the training perspective the handler needs to show the dog what actions are preferred or right.

You must learn to watch dog training videos your dog to see what motivates him for the best results. You don’t want your dog to get bored because this will get you nowhere with trying to train him. Now if you want to know is the art of redirection an efficient cure for the most common doggie don’ts?  Then please visit here. 


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