household remedies-natural home remedies for discharge of phlegm, pus from the ear and night blindness.
Phlegm troubles those who eat
refined flour, milled rice, lentils and milk. Vegetables and fruit can reduce
the amount of phlegm produced in the body. If the food is not properly digested
or assimilated by the body, phlegm
household remedies are abnormally high.
Exercise and increasing of the
vegetable contents of the food would meet this condition. An expedient which
can give quick results is this drinking of warm water for about a liter with a
table spoon of salt added to it. Drink it after you have gone to the toilet and
then vomit it out. Most of the phlegm would be expelled.
A father writes: my eight year old
son suffers from discharge of pus from his ear. No drugs have succeeded in
giving him any relief. Foods, which raise the amount of phlegm in the body ex
mild rice, sugar and lentils, should be avoided.
Your son should take whole bread,
vegetables and fruits. He should be encourages to take part in sports and games
and should take regular exercise. Fresh air is of vital importance as is sun
bathing. Ask the child to sit in the sun so that sunlight penetrates the inner
part of his ear for fifteen minutes. This process will help in stopping the
discharge of pus.
A father writes: my five year old
suffers from night blindness. He is unable to see after sunset and no course of
treatment has so far been of any help. Night blindness is a deficiency disease;
if the elements needed are found in the diet night blindness will go.
Natural salts and vitamins needed to
make up the deficiency which causes night blindness are found in whole meal
bread, UN milled rice, fresh vegetables and ask him to eat at least 250 gm of
carrots each day. Carrot is a vegetable, which contains vitamins, which make up
the deficiency. For more household
remedies information regarding naturalhome remedies for discharge of phlegm, ear infections and pus from the ear
visit lost book of home remedies.
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