peripheral neuropathy pain-neuropathy update: this doctor’s discovery helps diabetics reverse peripheral neuropathy- a prevention plan for lower extremity peripheral neuropathy complications.
causes of lower extremity nerve problems and neuropathy are often ignored while
the peripheral neuropathy pain symptoms
are treated. The symptoms associated with the condition can be severe and
result in significant pain, burning, tingling and numbness.
numbness can become permanent over the long-term and lead to major problems
with the legs and feet. Solutions to the problems associated with neuropathy
are available and if you know how to monitor your condition, you can live a
quality life that is less impaired by the symptoms.
most neuropathy cases, particularly diabetic neuropathy, the symptoms become
less when blood sugar is stabilized and under control. There are medications
available through your doctor that can help control the discomfort while you
are stabilizing your blood sugar levels.
the blood sugar is stabilized, you will begin to notice significant changes in
the way you feel and in most cases, the symptoms associated with neuropathy
begin to subside.
can arise as a result of failure to plan and prevent further symptoms of neuropathy
in the lower extremities. If you fail to follow these steps, severe problems
can arise.
best way to prevent neuropathy is to work with your doctor to keep your blood
sugar under control. The next steps work to prevent any complications from arising
during and after blood sugar stabilization. These steps include:
· Thorough
examination of the feet and legs daily and it can be done at home.
· Apply
lotion to the feet, especially if dryness occurs.
· Keep
toenails cared for properly by seeing a podiatrist or specialist.
· Wear
comfortable shoes and proper footwear that fits well in order to prevent
These steps should be
adhered to on a frequent and routine basis. Getting off track can lead to major
problems with your feet and legs.
According to nationally
published data, nearly half of all diabetic related amputations arise as a
result of neglect or improper treatment. This means that most of the
amputations that take place could have been prevented.
This is sobering news
concerning neuropathy condition of the lower extremities. When a sore or
blister develops on the foot, it is important to have it looked at immediately.
Failure to do so may
result in infection. The infection may spread into the tissues, causing them to
die. Further infection may spread as deep as the bone and cause significant
problems with circulation and mobility.
Examine your feet and legs daily to
ensure that you are taking proper care of your body. If you notice anything out
of the ordinary, be sure to have the peripheralneuropathy pain area looked at by a neuropathy specialist right away.
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