crucial steps needed to survive the corona virus economic collapse

Negotiating and Bartering Skills
At the time of economic collapse, a large part of economic turnover can turn
into a barter exchange of goods. This is usually caused by hyperinflation, when
paper money loses significantly. Due to mass unemployment, many people may
lose money to pay for their basic life needs. The shortage of some goods on the
market may cause that some inconspicuous products may acquire a completely
different value than in times of prosperity.
One of the skills that can be extremely important in the case of barter is the
ability to negotiate.
In the art of negotiation it is extremely important to be assertive, self-confident
and also empathic, as well as the acquire ability to exclude emotions for the sake
of calculation. It is also worth remembering that it is worth to have an approach
that we have something valuable to offer to the other person. We must
remember that during the barter exchange we should not indicate that we are in
need, because this weakens our negotiating position. On the other hand, you
should also remember about the moral approach to exchanging goods and not
use your advantage in a dishonest way. Fair exchange will always pay off in the
end. Focusing on short-term profit instead of long-term benefits is never a good
Specific skills
One of the most important things we should consider is the acquisition of
specific skills that can be extremely needed during a crisis. We can easily
exchange our skills for goods we need to survive.

Such skills include:
● welding
● mechanical repairs
● sewing
● hairdressing
● learning self-defense
● electrician
● electronics
● cooking
Securing your money
The ideal situation is that, when preparing for the crisis, we have the amount of
money needed to cover basic life needs for about 3 months, preferably 6 or even
12 months, and eliminate any debts that unfortunately have to be paid during
economic collapse.
If you keep cash in a bank, it is good to keep it on accounts in several different
banks to spread the possible risk of losing funds on some account.
And if you keep money at home, find a suitable, hard-to-find place for it and
secure your home by equipping the front door with appropriate quality doors,
locks, alarms, anti-burglary systems, etc.
In the context of securing your assets, we must remember that there is a risk of
hyperinflation (especially if you live in a country with weak economy), which is a
drastic decline in the value of money. In this case, it is worth considering what
other resource (for example, a different, stronger currency) we can place the
value of our property so as to be able to protect ourselves against such a
Preparing for the lack of water supply is extremely important. We should
consider that water is an essential resource for survival. So if we have access to
clean water, in case of its shortage, it may prove to be a key resource not only
for our survival, but also for many people around. We can also exchange water
for other items we need.
It is worth getting good quality water filters that will allow us to filter large
amounts of water in the absence of it.
Food next to clean water is the second most important basic resource that we
must ensure. It is worth preparing food supplies that will last a few months
before the crisis occurs. It is worth having supplies that will help the whole
family to stay for about half a year and more. It is worth thinking about making
supplies from food that does not spoil for a very long time. We can include
mainly dry food in this category.

It is also worth considering the caloric and nutritional value of food.
 We must
remember that it is important that we stay in the best shape during the crisis
and that proper nutrition is needed.
The perfect preparation for times of crisis is also the preparation of various
types of preserves from available fruits and vegetables, as well as the preparation
of naturally pickled vegetables. In this way, we can prepare food supplies that
are useful for consumption for many years after they have been prepared.
Ability to manage a small amount of resources
At the time of crisis, survival is the most important thing. It's worth letting us
learn how to manage a small budget. For this purpose, we can write down our all
monthly expenses and see which of them can be removed or changed to cheaper
counterparts. In this way, we can see how much money we spend on
unnecessary products. Excel table can be very helpful in that.
The ability to manage limited resources of cash or other items such as water,
food or other resources is absolutely crucial.
Let's note how much water we waste during the day. We often spend long hours
in the shower. It is worth learning a short bath that uses much less water.
It is worth thinking in which areas we can ensure self-sufficiency. The most
important resource in which we can be self-sufficient is to provide ourselves
with a source of clean water (for example, by building a rainwater collection
system). It is also worth learning what kind of food we are able to grow ourselves
in our housing conditions. If we live in a house with a garden, it is worth using
this resource that will allow us to live many months without external supply,
especially if we live in a country with a warm climate.
Maintaining a healthy body
It is extremely important to maintain a healthy body. Healthy body also affects a
healthy mind and clarity of thinking. On the other hand, a healthy mind affects
body health.

It is worth keeping your body in the best shape through regular physical
exercises, especially those that affect the overall fitness of the body, tendon and
muscle flexibility, and endurance. It is worth preparing for the possibility of
exercising at home. You can do a lot of physical exercises only using your own
weight or using simple elements such as a pull-up bar or dumbbell.
Learning how to deal with stress
Learning to deal with stress is extremely important, because stress deprives
logical thinking skills and reduces the quality of decisions. The highest quality of
decisions is extremely important in times of deep crisis. In addition, there are a
lot of stressed people around us during the crisis, which can affect our
One of the basic methods of getting to know your psyche and dealing with stress
can be regular, daily meditation. Meditation is a proven method for centuries to
improve your mind and calm your nerves.
In addition, it is worth considering that preparing for a crisis, including mental
crisis, coming to terms with the worst but expecting the best, will in itself
positively affect our emotions.

Preparing for the crisis, both physically, mentally and buying the necessary
products is extremely important for our comfort. Let's hope that the events we
prepare for will never happen. In our opinion, however, the uncertain times in
which we live speak for the fact that this is a reasonable behavior, because it is
better to prepare yourself in advance for the possibility of economic collapse
than to wake up in the middle of a crisis without proper knowledge and skills


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