numerology astrology-my own personal experience with numerology?

Fort Worth, Texas is primarily known as the start of the West in Texas. It's also known for rodeos, cattle, horses and the Basses. Few know it as the once home of numerology. But I did numerology astrology.

During my early years, I discovered psychics and loved the fun of finding what they saw. In that same era, I discovered Marie Norris, the best numerologist Fort Worth ever had. Her father had been an army officer at Ft. Worth, the actual army fort. But she was as far from that world as anyone could be even forty years ago.

She said she had studied numerology at Stanford University. I had no way of checking that. But I needed no degree to realize she was on the payroll of several Texas oil companies to help discover oil. She was also a Fort Worth society favorite. Often, they would hire her to give numerology readings to their guests during an event or party.
They were willing to overlook that her presence often meant roaches and other such pests when she left. That's why they preferred that she have her own contained area, preferably a guest or pool house. It was also a great way to offer privacy.
Many well-known, mooned family names of Fort Worth were in her phone directory. They enjoyed the out-of-the-ordinary world she drew them into. Many claimed she was their key to more money.
One thing they all agreed on is they preferred she come to them, not they to her. Her home was in an older area near downtown. Due to Ms. Norris' love of animals, she often had far too many cats and even more mice and roaches. Stacks of newspapers appeared where there should have been furniture. Her home was a bit hard to attend. In fact, for me, it was the ghastly smell that caused me to leave the house while she did her hundreds of calculations.
At first, I had no idea what she was doing. She would compile rows and rows of mathematical calculations on the front and back of several pages of paper. She would nod off while calculating. I was afraid she was asleep. But then she nodded back and continued her work.
The first time I saw her she insisted that I would be in a green car the next time I came. I blew that off since I had a somewhat new red car. But the next time I came, I drove up in a green car. It was difficult to get an appointment since she had no secretary or answering machine. But she intrigued me, and I kept coming back to see what she saw for me in the numbers.
All she ever asked was my name and birth date. I really didn't understand her purpose was to create a numerology reading for me. Before, my psychics simply used cards or such. She would then tell me where I would live, who I would be with and what were the best things for me.
Since she didn't teach me about numerology, I never knew much about her occupation. One day I called for an appointment and sadly found she had died. Sigh.
She seems so foreign to me now when I can find a good numerologist online. But I'll never have a personal or interesting numerology astrology numerology reading again the way she did it. Now if you want your own numerology reading then please click here.


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