numerology calculator-what is the importance of birth name?
Let me inform
you that numerology calculator when
you change your name by marriage you can get some ideas of how your life might
change from the new name. If you want to know that then please compare a report
using your married name with another report using your current name.
Then compare
both reports to your birth name report too. If there are several possible
marriage names, you may want to look at them and pick the one that feels most
comfortable. You can get some idea of what children are going to be like by
looking at their birth reports and that too even before they are born.
Since you
usually don’t know the exact birth date in advance, some people run reports for
several different possible birth dates. Some people even run several different
names for each date to make sure they find the name they like the best.
If you want some
more information you may want to compare a new born baby’s birth report and
current name report then one report using the name you expect on the birth
certificate, the other using what you expect will be the current name.
You can pick out
names for businesses with your personal numerologist and professional
numerologist the same way you pick out names for people. Sometimes, too, if a
business is just being started, you may have a choice of what date you decide
what date to begin operations.
You may also
what to run a number of numerology reports combining different birth dates with
different business names so that you can compare them. Now if the life path or
expression of a business turns out to be a number 1 or a number 8, then the
potential for money and success may be markedly increased.
The real success
of any business is dependent of course on more than the name of the business.
It also depends as you might expect on the main people running the business. So
run numerology report for all these people and you can get some further
indication of what to expect when they are all working together.
If you are new
to numerology you may be wondering how the letters and numbers associated with
your name and birth date can say anything at all relevant about you. If you
visit a professional numerologist you will personally witness the benefits you
will receive.
I am giving you the example of David stone
who received the numerology readings. . As a 30-year-old computer programmer he
was making good money and advancing rapidly in his career. But something wasn’t
right.No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t rid himself of a profound feeling of dissatisfaction. His numerology report indicated an intense love for people and an aptitude for communication.
These skills were emphasized; the analytic side of his character was just mentioned in passing. At first David scoffed at the report. Upon reflection, though, he began to realize that perhaps he had been overlooking an important part of himself.
Not long after, he went back to school. Four years later, he became a satisfied, happy psychologist, who couldn’t believe that he ever worked at a computer terminal. Now you might ask me how numerology works.
Let me reveal it to you that it all starts with you name and birth date. They are the data base from which a numerologist is able to describe your sight unseen. Number values are assigned to the letters in your name.
By adding these along with the numbers in your birth date in a multitude of different combinations, a numerologist establishes your key numbers. He then interprets the meaning of these key numbers, which results in a complete description of your personal characteristics.
I can give you some case studies showing how a numerology report and reading can really benefit you. I personally know a couple who were able to improve and perhaps even save their bumpy marriage with the aid of numerology.
From the very beginning the guy was always trying to change the girl. However instead of the girl changing fights and more fights resulted. Then they had numerology readings done, the guy gained a whole new insight about the girl what motivated her, why she did thing the way she did, what her basic needs were.
With new understanding came new respect. After reading her numerology report the guy no longer tried the change the girl each time she did something different than he would have. For the first time he realized that she was not trying to be difficult, she was just being herself.
However not surprisingly their fights grew less frequent and the marriage began to flourish. Numerology has even helped parents to better understand and communicate with their children. Mary Gilroy had a numerology reading done for her 18-year-old son who was getting ready to start college.
Although Mary recognized most of the traits described in the report, her son did not. A long discussion resulted, perhaps the first heart-to-heart talk they'd had since he'd become a teenager.
By using the numerology report as a vehicle for self-discovery, she was able to awaken within her son a new understanding of his abilities and potential. He left home with a new look of self-confidence about him, his numerology report in hand for future reference.
Donna Thompson was a teacher who devoted herself to caring for her children, her husband, her house, her neighbors, even stray animals.
Yet for years, the one person she neglected was herself. Eventually that neglect began to take its toll -- on her and her loved ones. She couldn't understand why she felt so frustrated and resentful so much of the time.
When her numerology report revealed that she tended to allow herself to be treated like a doormat, the point finally hit home. She suddenly realized that she had to balance her own needs along with everyone else's.
It took some work, numerology calculator but she no longer ignores herself, and no longer lets herself be taken advantage of. She's a lot happier because of it. And so is her family. Now if you want to recognize the major opportunities that can advance your career and personal life this year and achieve your important goals with the right knowledge and timing then please visit here.
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