fast weight loss programs-what are the risk factors related to breast cancer?

Some women with gene mutation develop fast weight loss programs breast cancer; the lifetime risk of breast cancer is high as 80 percent. While the exact cause of breast cancer isn’t known, we do know that the disease occurs when some breast cells begin growing abnormally.

These cells divide more rapidly than healthy cells and then start to accumulate, forming a lump or mass. These cancer cells can spread and metastasize throughout the breast and into lymph nodes or through other parts of your body.

Most of the time, breast cancer begins with cells in the milk producing ducts. But it can also begin in the glandular tissue called globules, or in other cells within the breast. With several lifestyle- related, environmental and hormonal factors may increase your risk of developing breast cancer, none of these factors guarantee you will develop the disease.

Moreover, many women who develop the disease have no known risk factors. Certain traits, however, are known to increase the risk of breast cancer, such as obesity, personal or family history of breast cancer and genetic mutations.

While some people who get breast cancer don’t have any of the following risk factors, these traits increase your risk of developing breast cancer-
·       Being a woman
·       Obesity
·       Older age
·       Personal history of breast cancer in one breast and this increases your risk of getting it in the other breast.
·       Personal history of breast cancer in close relatives such as your mother, sister, or daughter especially if they developed the disease at a young age.
·       Inherited genetic mutations such a BRCA1 and BRCA2.
·       Radiation exposure to your chest as a child or young adult.
·       Starting your menstrual cycle before the age of 12.
·       Beginning menopause at an older age.
·       Giving birth for the first time after the age of 35.
·       Never being pregnant.
·       Taking hormone therapy that combines estrogen and progesterone.
·       Drinking alcohol

Now if you want to know more about fast weight loss programs the risk factors associated with breast cancer then please click here.


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