a complete freedom from the shackles of bacterial vaginosis
Many of us associate Bacterial
vaginosis with sexual activity but as per the recent medical findings there
is no clear evidence of real sexual transmission. I admit that there is hundred
percent possibilities for sexually inactive person to get infected with BV. As
per my findings BV is basically a disordering of the chemical and biological
balance of the normal flora. The link between sexual partner and treatment
along with eradication is being explored in recent research.
I can suggest an alternative by applying and using gram
stained vaginal smear along with hay isoncriteria. Now I am going to define HAY
ISON criteria which is as follows-
Grade 1 which is normal and predominates
lactobacillus morph types.
Grade2 which is intermediate and here flora is
mixed with lactobacilli present along with morph types, gardnerella and
Grade3 which is bacterial vaginosis and
predominates gardnerella and mobiluncus morph types. Lactobacilli is very few
or absent in this stage.
Recent cases of bacterial
vaginosis show pregnant women and hot girls with sexually transmitted
infections are special cases and are at risk for getting the infection of BV. Girls
and women after menopause are specially and sometimes affected by BV.
Subclinical iron deficiency commonly known as anemia is the main cause and
predator of BV. Among pregnant women there is a link between psychological
stress and BV.
The scores for the test are as follows-
0-3 which is negative as considered by eminent
doctors for BV.
4-6 which is considered intermediate
I0-20 is a high powered field.
I have conducted a longitudinal study of researches in American
Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology about the risk factors independent of bacterial vaginosis. Orally and
vaginally effective treatment is available and that is Metronidazole or clindamycin. I can
very well assure there is high rate of recurrence and it is really effective
and result oriented.
All I can say is the tests and methods are highly time consuming
and costly and one has to go through lot of pain and hardship to clear the
tests. So if you are suffering from bacterial vaginonis there are alternate
solution which are easily available and are time tested and safe. These
remedies can be done at the comfort of one’s home and doesn’t involve
complicated medical tests. I completely understand and feel the pain and
hardship one has to go if one is infected with bacterial vaginosis. Therefore
I am going to suggest you some simple medication so that you get immediate
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