a life of purpose- how to manifest your life to the fullest?
Are you living the most abundant life you can
imagine? Does this mean that you are not living your vision? Not yet. Why not, a life of purpose you might ask me. My
answer is that you have not expanded your imagination enough to encompass your
vision, but I am getting closer.
You see the law of abundance is a universal low that
drives what is manifested in your life. Our culture is full of truism that
supports the law of abundance. If you set your mind to it, if you always what
you have always done you will always get what you always got. You are basically
a victim of the rules you live by.
Look at the people around you. What do you see? When
you look at a person’s life you can literally read their mind. A person outer
state of being is nothing more than the manifestation of a person’s thought.
Now look inside.
Do you see peace, serenity, affluence, love,
abundance? To have these things, you have to set your mind to it. As these
words are expression of my vision, I had to fully understand their meaning
since the following brief definition represents my vision of my life.
· Peace-
harmonious relations, freedom from disputes, the absence of mental stress or
· Serenity-
calmness of mind, evenness of temper, undisturbed state, coolness, composure.
· Affluence-
an abundant supply, as of thought, words, feelings, profusion and abundance of
property and wealth.
· Love-
a deep, tender, ineffable feeling of affection and solicitude towards a person,
such as arising from kinship, recognition of attractive qualities or a sense of
underlying oneness.
· Abundance-
a great or plentiful amount, fullness to overflowing.
By learning to manifest through proper use of the
law of abundance, all this and more can be yours. Every great work, every big
accomplishment has been brought into manifestation through holding to the
vision, and often just before the big achievement, comes apparent failure and
Our lives are our biggest accomplishment. Our lives
are the manifestation of our vision. By creating your vision, and by following
the rules of manifestation, the universe is yours for the asking. Learning how
to ask is the goal of students of the law of abundance.
Manifestation is the results of your thoughts.
Sounds simple if you are already a manifestation student but do you really
believe it and live by it. What we focus on expands, so what are you
manifesting? Why not stop and think about It., what you are manifesting right
now. How do you feel about what you are manifesting and do you feel like it is
your creation?
You may have some doubts about this but you are
already an expert at manifesting? Just look at everything around you and all
the experiences that you have been having. If we can move forward from that
belief that we are already creating the things that are in front of us, we can
also think that it is possible to change what we are manifesting.
So if manifestation is given, then how do we change
what we are manifesting? Just focus on what you want, focus on the feelings of
what you want and feel positive about it, positive about having it, feel good
in your body and emotions.
The opposite of this is to focus on not having it
and that we should have it. This is an important point so think about this for
a while. Think back to the experiences that you have had and how you felt about
those things before they were delivered.
Think about the things that came easy and things
that were difficult. Use your own experiences to take this point to a deeper
level deeper. Start to take inspired action towards having what you want.
Inspired actions means to take action with awareness of how it makes us feel as
we move towards having what we want.
Taking action with awareness allows us to know when
we are coming across some limiting beliefs and to recognize the negative voice
that tells use to stop or change direction. The simplest method to follow when
we hit a negative belief is to just ignore it and replace it with a positive
one. This may take some repetition but is well worth it.
There are plenty of other techniques for belief
change which can be used at a later stage. Starting the ball rolling is the
most important thing at first. Continue to take action with awareness and you
will know when you are making the decisions that will support what you want.
If you get off track, just laugh and get back on
again. Choose what resources you would like to help you and stay aware for
their delivery. Personal growth is a lot about knowing who we really are and
using conscious manifestation is a great tool to learn a lot about ourselves.
When you master conscious manifestation you will
also realize at a deeper level that it was really you who created all those
experiences. Just practice it for at least 15 minutes a day and may be you are
even up to 20 minutes a day.
Just go to a place where you prefer to have your
quiet time. Again, this should be a place where you won’t be disturbed and
preferably dark. If you like, light some candles and your favorite incense. Now
find some nice music to play in the background. There are plenty of meditation
CD you can purchase for this purpose and so don’t worry if you don’t have any
right now.
Sit either on the floor, in chair or on cushions
that will allow you to keep you’re back straight up and down. Keeping your
spine erect helps allow the energy to flow through easily and keeps you
grounded during the meditation.
There are two ways I can suggest you hold your
hands. Either place your hands on your legs near your knees, palms up, with
your index fingers and thumbs lightly touching, or hands overlapping again,
palms up, in your lap and forming a kind of cup. Choose whatever is most
comfortable and feels right for you.
Breathe in taking full deep breath, allowing your
diaphragm to fully expand, pause for a few seconds and exhale completely,
expelling all the air in your lungs. Continue to focus on this method of
breathing for a few minutes until it becomes natural and rhythmic and you begin
to feel relaxed.
Now think about something you are grateful for the
next several minutes. Allow yourself to feel total joy around this experience.
Next, think about something you would like to manifest in your life. Imagine
you are already having it in your possession.
Feel the joy it brings you to have this thing right
now. Completely focus on the feelings of already having it in your life. If
thoughts creep like up like I can’t ever get that or that would be nice,
someday, gently let go of these thoughts and return your focus on the feeling
of having it today, right now.
Continue focusing on the object of your desire for
about 15 minutes, and then return your focus on your breathing. Simply let go
any thoughts you have. As your mind wanders, and it will, take notice and just
redirect your thought to your breath.
When you are ready, begin to slowly return your
consciousness to the room you are in, and become aware of your surroundings.
Now I bet that you will really feel great. Remember not to judge your
meditation, you will get better and better the more you practice.
Keep up this new meditation daily if possible. Each time you may choose to focus on the same thing you want to manifest or something different each time. Just is as consistent a life of purpose as you can. Now if you want some more tools to sweep away your ego and some more meditation techniques to manifest the life of your dreams then please visit here.
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