law of attraction for money -how to manifest your intentions applying the law of attraction.
In today’s law
of attraction for money meditation, access a silence and compassionate
state. Allow yourself to completely relax, and feel happy and serene. You may
find yourself smiling during your meditation. If you decided on what you want
to manifest, state is aloud, if you are alone or silently if you are not.
You might want to manifest a new car, you may want
to manifest a new job with a salary 25% more than what you are earning right
now, or you want a new relationship that is you want to find your soul mate. So
in today meditation access the silence and the compassionate states again.
State your manifestation- desire as though you
already have what you want. You made the connection and what you desire is
already yours- it’s completely yours, so state it that way. I now have my
wonderful new car; I love my new job with my enhanced salary. I and my soul
mate have found each other, and life is wonderful.
Allow yourself to feel happy and grateful that you
have what you want. Give thanks what you have asked for has already been given
to you. When your meditation is over, you may feel an impulse to do something,
make a phone call or speak to someone.
This impulse arrives without emotion. This is your
intuition at work. It has been triggered by your meditations, and will help you
to manifest. Now you are going to activate your will in your meditation. Your
will isn’t what’s commonly thought of as will power, that white knuckle do or
die feeling.
Your will is decision and acceptance. It s not as
much an emotion as we are feeling- a sense of inevitability. Access the silence
and the compassionate states again as you have done before, and again, state your
manifestation or desire as though you already have it.
Say, I now have my wonderful new car, I love my new
job with my enhanced salary, I and my soul mate have found each other and life
is wonderful. Now access your will, which is centered in your hara. In martial
arts the source of your will and power is your hara, a point inside your body,
about two inches below your navel.
It’s also known as the Dan tien. Its major focus of
chi, of life force energy in your body. Imagine this point in your body as a
small area of red glowing light, like a candle flame, or an a glowing golden
ball. Notice the bodily sensations that you have in your hara.
Don’t try to change them in any way, just notice any
tightness or other sensation. Then allow the restrictions you have there to
your spine and out of the top of your head.
Now if you want to create success in
law of attraction for money deep meditation and positive thinking then
please click here.
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