what is your purpose in life-how to use affirmations?
It what is
your purpose in life takes practice to be able to stay awake mentally
whilst your body has basically gone to sleep. In the 15 minutes manifestation
system, it typically takes a solid 10 hours of hypnosis sessions for most
people to pull this trick off which can be done only in 15 minutes.
That’s the core skill in that approach- staying
awake mentally when your brain is cruising along in the lower brainwaves and
that’s what makes all the visualizations work, helps folk heal at a distance, sends
thoughts to people, manifesting things, talking to dead people.
Cool as that is there is a faster way and one that
has even more useful side effects ranging from greater intelligence, IQ, EQ
creativity and intuition to name a few. Here why it works-if you reinforce any
behaviors it gets stronger.
The same thing goes for mental behavior- if you
describe out loud say to a friend what’s going on in your imagination you
strengthen the ability of being aware of what’s going on in your imagination.
This might not sound like much, but if you keep doing it then it keeps getting
stronger in real time.
So by the time you are 5 minutes in to your session
the effect is significantly stronger that it was at the beginning. You are
constantly reinforcing the reinforcement. The practical result is that you can
concentrate virtually without effort for extended periods of time whilst you
are in these lower brain wave ranges.
We are essentially using this technique as a
meditation shortcut- your simply spend a few minutes using this technique to
get you into the mental space to project your intentions from. So here is your
mind power experiment.
Simply spend fifteen minutes each day for the next
few days describing quickly and in detail the imagery flowing through your mind.
Deceptively simple huh? There are three simple rules that make this process
work properly.
First describe your impressions out loud. Get them
on tape or describe them to a listener, vividly enough that they can imagine
them easily purely from your description. This produces a noticeably higher
quality of expression than just mumbling away to yourself.
Second- talk as quickly as you can. This helps you
outrun the common tendency to consciously filter and analyze the impressions
you are getting. Third- describe your immediate sensory impressions, in the
present tense. Stick to what you can directly see, hear, feel, taste and smell.
Directly firsthand experience of fresh what is your purpose in life info and
ideas is what we are after here- you can analyze the content of your session consciously
when you have finished getting the fresh ideas. Now if you want to know how to
use affirmations then please click here.
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