voice lessons online- hot tips for singers to protect their singing voice?

You need to voice lessons online avoid overly cold food right before you sing since it can really make your vocal cords constrict. When you eat is really important too.  If you eat within two hours of singing you may burp through your song.

Beer and sodas will also cause more burps. Again an overly full stomach can make taking a deep breath a lot harder. So you might ask me what’s good for my voice. Water and lots of it, preferably room temperature or warmer.

No ice cubes. If you throat is really dry shoot for a gallon a day. Yes, I am not kidding. Ample hydration is one of the most important things you can really do for your voice. In general honey, slippery elm and licorice tea can really soothe your throat.
Herbal teas in general are good because you are inhaling steam as you are drinking it. Lozenges are fine for most people, but in general you should avoid these lozenges and spays since they can sump your throat, and also hurt your voice and will not realize it.
Now we will discuss on the hydration thing, air conditioners and heaters in general suck moisture out of the air and your vocal cords. So I would advise you that you use them when you need to, but drink plenty of water to fight out the dryness.
You can turn the AC or heating vents in your car away from your face. Humidifiers can put moisture back into the air if you are running your AC or heater. You can very well use the inexpensive kinds that create steam and clean it regularly to avoid mold.
 You can very well voice lessons online dryness since it’s the throat gunk that drives you crazy. Now if you are positive that you’re vocal and dietary habits aren’t causing the extra mucous then you might have allergies to dusts and pollens in the air. You should rule out chronic sinus infection as the culprit but more likely its allergy. Now if you want to avoid minor to big time allergies then please clickhere.


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