how to make coconut oil -how coconuts KILL Elevated blood sugar-reduces diabetes risk by inducing coconut in your diet.

In a how to make coconut oil study published by the British journal of nutrition in 2018, participants, both diabetic and non-diabetic were given a variety of foods to eat. These foods included cinnamon bread, carrot cake, brownies, and granola, and other foods that person with diabetes should normally limit.

That’s a lot of desert foods that can be very dangerous to diabetics. When the study was conducted, it was found that when this FATTY food was increased, the blood sugar response between the two groups was nearly identical. Discoverhow this food KILLS your diabetes risk.

Mary Newport, MD, has had some up close and highly personal experience with dementia and Alzheimer’s. When her 53 year old husband started showing signs of progressive dementia, which was later diagnosed as Alzheimer’s, she took action.

He began taking Alzheimer’s drugs such as Amanda, Exelon and Aricept- however, his disease continued to worsen. It was not until Dr Newport tried to get her husband into a drug trial for a new Alzheimer’s drug that she started to research Alzheimer’s triggers.

Her research led her to the discovery that some brain cells may have a difficult time using glucose- the brains main source of energy. Without this fuel, neurons begin to die.

An alternative energy source for brain cells is fats, known as ketenes. When the body is deprived of carbohydrates, it naturally produces ketenes.

The hard part is that most people can’t cut carbohydrates out of the body altogether, and in many respects this can be unhealthy. So another way to produce ketenes is by consuming oils made from medium-chain triglycerides. MCT is oil that is made from coconut and palm oil.

The drug which was being used in the drug trial was just MCT oil at a dose of 20 grams. When MCT oil is metabolized, ketenes, which are created by the body, not only protect against Alzheimer’s but may also reverse the symptoms.

This is also a potential treatment for Parkinson’s, Huntington’s, type2 diabetes and multiple and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Mr. Newport began to take coconut twice a day at a point where he could not even remember how to draw a clock.

Two weeks after adding coconut oil to his diet his drawing ability improved. After a little over a month, the drawing had more clarity. It appeared s though oil was lifting the fog.

After sixty days, he was alert, talkative and happy. He had more focus and concentration and was able to stay on task. He kept taking the same amount of coconut oil each day and the dementia continued to reverse.

He how to make coconut oil was able to run again, and his reading comprehension improved dramatically. Over time, his short-term memory returned, and he was able to talk about past events with clarity. When he had a brain scan, the atrophy has once been present was halted.


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