keto coffee -Coffee Plus Honey More Effective than Steroids for Cough: this 1 sugar actually FIGHTS DISEASE

Hippocrates (the father of modern medicine) used this liquid gold- keto coffee as a treatment for pain, dehydration, and fever. And this isn’t just some folk remedy discredited by modern science either. Researchers (in thousands of peer-reviewed papers) continue to uncover just how healing it can be.

 In fact, dr Joshua Levitt actually prescribes this healing super food to his patients in his clinic in Connecticut. 99% of other sweeteners are extremely dangerous, but your body burns this sugar differently than other sweeteners. Discover 5 scientifically backed reason to use this liquid gold every day.

Dear health-conscious friend,

It’s happening in small, private clinics…and it’s happening, most respected hospitals in the world…a rising tide of doctors and health care providers are now urging their patients eat this life giving sugar every single day.

They are not just recommending it to give a slightly better alternative to other sweeteners either. They are prescribing it to treat life-threateningdiseases, heal chronic conditions, and keep people looking and feeling theirvery best.

If you guessed honey, then you are absolutely right. For we have all heard about how honey is a remarkable substance. We have heard about how it doesn’t go bad. Or about how archeologists found unspoiled 2000 year old honey in an Egyptian tomb.
Honey contains a concentrated dose of vitamins, minerals and nutrients that nourish and re-vitalize your body. And it possesses unique antimicrobial properties that help you fight off infections. Throughout history, honey has been used to treat…
·       Coughs
·       Wounds
·       Indigestion
·       Skin infections
·       Fatigue
·       Flu
·       Burns
·       And more

For example, honey was the most popular ancient Egyptian healing remedy (and was mentioned over 500 times in 900 remedies). Hippocrates (the father of modern medicine) used honey as a treatment for pain, dehydration and fever.

And this isn’t just some folk remedy discredited by modern science either. Researchers (in thousands of peer- reviewed papers) continue to uncover just how healing honey can be. In fact…

I personally prescribe this healing super food to my patients. This often surprises people though. I still remember how one patient, Rachel just stood there, staring at me with her mouth open. Hold on. Let me get this straight, she said, did I really just hear my doctor tell me to dive my seven year old son honey?

I nodded. Just a spoonful before he goes to bed. The cough will clear up in no time. Her son, Kevin, had just recovered from flu. And while the fever and nausea had faded, his cough hadn’t.

Overcome by a fit of coughing every five minutes, he couldn’t sleep at night (which made him cranky and miserable all day). Rachel was at her wits end. The sleepless nights left here exhausted. And she had done everything she could think of to help her son…lots of water…cough syrup…even antibiotics.

And here I was, a physician, prescribing something you would normally drizzle over oatmeal or spread on toast. Truth be told though, I would sympathize with her skepticism. For when I heard about honeys life-giving properties…I didn’t believe the science.

See, I am a naturopathic physician. What that means is that I treat real patients for real illness. I am responsible for helping them get better. I don’t take the responsibility lightly. That makes me a fierce skeptic when it comes to miracle cures.

If you are going to trust me as their doctor, I intend full- well to repay that trust and prescribe treatments that will work. I demand to see peer- reviewed studies. I go out my way to talk to leading doctors and health experts.

In fact, my strict standards for evidence are a key reason why I have the respect of not just the alternative health world, but the traditional western medical community as well. Take, for example, the endorsement of Yale University (a leading, Ivy League medical institution.) I teach classes there. And I help them develop their curriculum.

In addition, I am also…a doctor for doctors; many of my current patients are doctors and nurses. After seeing the results I get for their patients (I tend to get referred problem cases that traditional medicine can’t solve), doctors often come to me as say, whatever you did to that guy, I want you to do it for me too.”

All this is to say…I am very serious when it comes tomedicine. And when I first heard the claims people were making about honeys healing abilities, I was rightly skeptical. After all…we all heard about how sugar causes obesity, diabetes and a bunch of other chronic diseases. Aren’t sweets bad for you?

We have also heard how it costs the United States over $150 billion dollars each year in medical expenses. Or how leading health figures like the Dutch health minister, Paul Van der vulpine, proclaim sugar to be worse than alcohol, tobacco, and cocaine combined.

It’s all true; sugar can be extremely hazardous to your health. But this depends on two critical factors…

·       How much sugar you consume.
·       What kind of sugar you eat.

Consumed in moderation, sugar is a helpful source of energy. That is…provided you get it from the right sources. We humans evolved to get our sugar by eating whole foods like fruits, vegetables, and yes, even honey.

You body knows how to extract the maximum benefits from these whole foods. Honey, in particular, has three critical healing effects… first, honey supports your immune system andfights off harmful bacteria.

And you know, your body is under constant assault by numerous viruses and bacteria that threaten to tire you out, make you sick and even kill you. Fighting off this threat is key to staying healthy.

One of the vital components in honey is an enzyme called glucose oxidize. This enzyme, when exposed to oxygen, produces hydrogen peroxide-a strong acid that dissolves the cell walls of bacteria. (Most human cells have thicker cell walls and can resist the low amounts of acid honey produces.

This makes honey a powerful tool for fighting skin infections, healing wounds, and otherwise supporting your immune system. (And it’s why honey is able to last for so long in your cupboard without going bad).

Second, it supplies the building blocks for healthycells. In addition to giving you sugars, honey equips your body with a complex array of proteins, enzymes, minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, and other nutrients. The second these nutrients hit your body, they go to work…

·       Tuningup your heart, lungs, stomach, brain, eyes and skin…
·       Controllingcancer-causing free-radicals and stopping cell damage in its tracks…
·       Detoxifyingyour body of harmful pollutants and other- keto coffee toxins.


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