diabetes mellitus- all you need to know about treatment of diabetes.

Let me inform you that diabetes mellitus when we are insulin sensitive, then our bodies do a much better job of moving glucose from the blood into the cells. In general various herbs, foods, vitamins and minerals have been shown to promote insulin sensitivity and maintain proper sugar levels.

Vanadyl sulfate increases the body’s insulin sensitivity. Gymea Silvestre is a well known herb helpful in blood sugar control by controlling sugar cravings and nourishing the pancreas. Exercise also increases insulin sensitivity and people involved in athletics are known to require less insulin.

Besides improving insulin sensitivity, exercise helps us to control our weight and reduce body fat. Weight control is a very important aspect in maintaining sensitivity. Another important factor in maintaining proper blood sugar levels and insulin sensitivity is a healthful diet.

Complex carbohydrates found in most vegetables, apples, grains and nuts are slow to digest. Slowing the process of digestion promotes healthy blood sugar levels and avoids the highs and lows associated with the intake of refined sugars.

Again we should also avoid saturated fats since the healthy fats contained in fish; olive oil and flaxseed help us to maintain insulin sensitivity. In general type 2 diabetes is the most common form of diabetes and results from insulin resistance.

The above methods have been shown to be extremely helpful in maintaining insulin sensitivity, promoting lower blood sugar levels and avoiding the complications associated with diabetes. Let me remind you that there is no known reason for what causes diabetes.

There are certainly risk factors that make the likelihood of your being diagnosed with this disease higher. One of the only risk factors that you have control over is your weight. If you are obese, the single best thing you can do for your health and the prevention of diabetes is to lose weight.

Even in small increment, when you shed pounds you are increasing your health benefits. These may be easier said than done and there are new studies that are now showing that there is a genetic factor or mutation for people who are obese and have diabetes.

This genetic malfunction affects how the bodies use energy and insulin which are basically two key elements in the functioning of our body and the cause of diabetes and obesity. The studies also state that this is not a cause and effect case.

If you carry this defective gene then you are not only guaranteed to be obese or have diabetes. But the link is there and it can be prevented. You may have to work harder at it than other to maintain a healthy body weight and put off diabetes but it can really be done.

All you need to do is to discuss the entire situation with your doctor and weigh options and ways to prevent or put off the onset of diabetes. The genes that researchers have discovered as precursor to diabetes have been found in young children.

It is really scary to know that children in their preschool years are being diagnosed with obesity and diabetes due to genetics. However parents can reduce or prevent these things from happening by giving their children healthy lifestyle choices.

Now that a diabetes mellitus DNA link has been found, the research can focus on finding a way to fix or prevent this from happening at some point in the future. Now if you want to learn more about various treatment of diabetes then please visit here. 


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