. Over 100 Bodyweight Exercises that can get you Shredded- Hot tips on how to go about building some good exercise habits during these uncertain times?
B.J. Fogg, a Stanford university researcher and the
author of the book TINY HABITS, notes that Over 100 Bodyweight
Exercises that can get you Shredded big behavior changes
require a high level of motivation that often can’t be sustained. He suggests
starting with tiny habits to make the new habits as easy as possible in the
beginning. Taking a short walk daily, for example, could be the beginning of an
exercise habit. Or, putting an apple in your bag everyday could lead to much
better eating habits.
In his own life, Fogg wanted to start a daily
push-up habit. He started with just two push-ups to another daily habit; going
to the bathroom. He began by, after a bathroom trip, dropping and doing two
push-ups. Now he has a habit of 40 to 80 push-ups a day.
it easy
Habit researchers know we are more likely to form
new habits when we clear away the obstacles that stand in our way. Packing your
gym bag and leaving it by the door is one example of this. Wendy wookd, a
research psychologist at the university of southern California in the US, said
she began sleeping in her running clothes to make it easier to roll out of bed
in the morning, slip on her running shoes and run. Choosing an exercise that doesn’t
require you to leave the house- like sit-ups or jumping jacks- is another way
to form an easy exercise habit.
Wood, author of the book good habits, bad habits:
the science of making positive changes that stick, calls the forces that
get in the way of good habits friction. In one study, researchers changed the
timing of elevator doors so that workers had to wait nearly half a minute for
the doors to close when normally the doors to closed after only 10 seconds.
It was just enough a delay that it convinced many
people that taking the stairs was easier and faster than waiting for the
elevator. “it shows how sensitive we are to small friction in our environment,”
wood said “just slowing down the elevator got people to take the stairs, and
they stuck with it even after the elevator went to normal timing.”
Rewards are an important part of habit formation,
when we brush our teeth, the reward is immediate- a minty fresh mouth. But some
rewards- such as weight loss or the physical changes from exercise take longer
to show up. That is why it helps to build in some immediate rewards to help you
form the habit.
Listening to audio books, while running, for
example, or watching a favorite cooking show on the treadmill can help
reinforce an exercise habit. Or plan an exercise so the reward is time with what
you love to do every day. Now if you want some more survival Over 100 BodyweightExercises that can get you Shredded strategies during these
trying times then please click here.
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