the 2 week diet system-Stop Believing the Lies: There Is NO SUCH THING as “Fat-Burning Foods.”Here’s What You Can Do Instead to Lose 8 to 16 Pounds in Just 14 Days.

Do you love to burn fat? Then target the 2 week diet system triglycerides for rapid, fat burning weight loss. The mainstream dieting industry often spreads misinformation to keep dieters unsuccessful and consequently returning to buy more ultimately ineffective products.

In this culture of confusion, the real culprit of weight gain is the development of triglycerides which often escapes unnoticed. Brian Flatt, owner of R.E.V. fitness and creator of the 2 week diet, explains that consumed fat is broken down into fatty acids, which are initially small and can travel in and out of cell walls to be converted into energy.

When those fatty acids remain unused, they combine with two other fatty acids and a glycerol molecule to create a triglyceride. Triglycerides are large molecules, and because of their size are unable to exit the fat cells like free flowing fatty acids can.

As a result, triglycerides become the stubborn body fat that plagues so many dieters. But heres the thing, Flatt said that those triglycerides can be targeted and they can be broken down into those fatty acids and burned by the body for energy.

In fact, when we break down those triglycerides, it is like dumping rocket fuel into your vehicles gas tank.  Those broken down triglycerides flood the body with a great source of energy that it loves to burn. Flatt designed the 2 week diet to only break down existing triglycerides, but to prevent the body from forming new ones.

So the end result is dieters are able to lose more weight in three weeks than they would in two to three months on another diet program. Many of his clients have reported losses of 8-16 pounds, the majority of it is body fat, in as little as 14 days.

Contrary to popular belief, there is hard evidence that rapid weight loss can actually be healthy. Perhaps the most well- known testimony from participants on NBC's the biggest loser.

The shows weight loss consultant, Dr Micheal Dan zinger says, in theory, one could drop as much as 20 pounds in a week. The truth is that nothing is wrong with losing weight rapidly- as long as you do it the right way.

Flatt also remarks on the psychology of weight loss that losing 3 to 4 pounds in the first few days is rewarding in itself, but the real benefit is the motivational factor it produces. Studies show that early success produces future success, and dieters that drop a dress size in a few days are far more likely to keep burning away fat.

Now lets talk about the 2 week diet. The 2 week diet focuses on three main components to help dieters lose unwanted weight, diet, exercise and mindset. Dieters learn what, when and how to eat for optimized weight loss.

They also receive supplement and exercise advice to accelerate the process. Finally, they develop the mindset or willpower to lose weight and keep it off. Brian  Flatt, nutrition coach and owner of R.E.V.  fitness has developed the 2 week diet.

Our body is designed to withstand incredible challenges. The human body is a perfect survival machine, it can store up fat and then use that fat for energy months or even years later. The only problem is, you dont want to hold on to that fat anymore.

In the modern world, we simply don’t need to body fat to survive. In fact, the complete opposite is true. Excess fat is one of the deadly conditions in the world, and its directly responsible for many life threatening illness and serious quality of life problems including-

·         Heart disease and stroke than can even end your life or cause severe disability.
·         Diabetes, which may lead to constant injections or possibly amputations.
·         Depression, trouble sleeping, fatigue and back pain, perhaps even arthritis.

It’s ironic really. The fat that used to keep us alive during famines is now one of the most common killers of Americans. It ruins families, destroys our quality of life, and forces many people to live on expensive prescription drugs, all while the pharmaceutical companies continue to raise their prices with their long, greedy fingers. But there is a solution.Now to learn much more about the 2 week diet the 2 week diet system please visit here.


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