flat belly fix tea -interval training for fat loss.
The problem with flat belly fix tea interval work is you can’t do it every day, and
it focuses too much on the lower body. Combine too much of it with leg training
days and you end up losing muscle from too much demand and not enough recovery.
When you view your conditioning work as add
on for fat loss(adding on to an already sound weight training and diet
program), and you should be thinking mostly in whole-body approaches, and
taking yourself above and beyond exclusively focusing on aerobic work.
The best type of training to maximize fat
loss, minimize muscle loss, and enhance metabolism are circuit type interval
sessions that are primarily based on movements rather than muscles. Meaning, it
is total-body and functional in nature, and not a chest circuit or arm circuit.
But it also doesn’t need to be either or-you
don’t have to separate your weight training work from your fat loss specific
programming. For example, let’s say you are training the shoulders. You can get
an intelligently designed session in by being traditional in terms of strength
movements and rep ranges for the shoulders, but between sets work other muscle
systems not involved in that range and plane of motion.
Therefore, the local area recovers while the
body keeps working to ensure a cardio response of maximum heart rate-or close
to it-on the perceived exertion scale. This is what intelligently structured
combination fat loss training is all about.
Instead of going back and forth between
muscle groups which again demand too much recovery time between workouts, we
can go back and forth from a muscle group to various functional movements.
Because the functional movement options involve so many muscles to do the work,
the work is spread out requiring less specific muscle recovery, but tons more
metabolic demand and cardio-respiratory response.
This way, you can enhance body parts (build
muscle tissue), get a cardio benefit, and burn fat all at the same time. You
can create these types of workouts through supersets, tri-sets, giant sets, or
full-on circuit containing 10 or more exercises in a row.
The options are limitless here, and yet the
essence of the principles, methods, and true understanding of fat loss
physiology shine through. Not to backtrack too much, but brining up hormonal
response, it is also a fact that aerobic activity triggers a cortical response
that is catabolic, meaning not anabolic, to the tissue building process.
This type of programming sequence I am
mentioning above has also been proven to promote and elevate the anabolic
hormone, not suppress them. It is a fact that long-distance runners suffer
sustained and prolonged suppressed testosterone production.
Yet, this has never been seen in the method I
am outlining above-and yet my method can still. I have done it over and over
again in my practice. Let’s go over a couple of examples of what this type of
programming can look can look like in a workout form.
Squats thrusts:3 to 4x10-15
Russian medicine ball twists: 3to 4 x10-15
Barbell alternating reverse lunges: 3 to
Pushups between two medicine balls: 3to
Alternating medicine ball cheerleader
lunges:3 to 4x10-12/sides
Side plank holds:3 to 4x 15 secs/side
Alternating DB bent over rows: 3 to 4x
Vertical shoppers with medicine ball: 3 to 4x
Rope crunches: 3 to 4x 12-15
DB renegade row:3 to 4 x 8-10/side
DB alternating front lunges with upright row:
3 to 4x10-12/side
circuit is completed with all exercises performed back to back with as minimal
rest as possible between exercises, and 3 to 5 minutes maximum rest between
complete circuits. As each week goes on, your goal is to take less and less
rest in between exercises and circuits, but never sacrifice technique.
you may already know a major focus in our flatbelly fix tea alpha program is
interval training because of the role it plays in transforming body composition
and thus maximizing your testosterone production. Give the workout above a try.
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