how to decrease stomach fat -are you hormonal? Discover the four hormones that could be preventing you from losing the weight you want to lose.

Modern medicine, weight loss gurus and so called fitness experts have telling us the same old outdated, bogus how to decrease stomach fat advice for years. Losing weight is just a matter of eatingless or exercising more or we get fat because we eat too much fat.

These ideologies are better known as the calorie in/calories out and the fat makes us fat theories that have been proven time and time again to be complete nonsense.

These diets fail to take into account our bodies and how food is metabolized and take the easy way out by implying that anyone who is overweight is eating too much fat or they are just plain lazy.

It points the finger at us and it refuses to acknowledge what science has already proven...carbohydrates makes us fat. I know...I have probably heard that one before.

Perhaps you even gave it some credence for a while. Maybe you have even tried a low- carb diet or the Atkins diet or something similar but found it just wasn’t for you.

Unfortunately...if you truly desire to lose weight fast, drastically reducing carbohydrates is an absolute must. If you don’t want to...or just feel like you just can’t give up carbohydrates for the next 4 weeks, then truthfully, there is nothing that can be done for you to lose weight except for hours and hours in the gym and severe calorie restriction over of period of 5-6 months.

However, if you truly want to burn 20-30+pounds of body fat in the next 28 days and if you are willing to follow this diet without deviation- then I personally guarantee that you will lose weight.

If you continue reading, you are going to learn exactly why carbohydrates cause us to get fat...and you will learn exactly what to do about it. So

We get fat because of the carbohydrates we eat. If you want to burn fat and become lean, you must accept this fact right now and you must hold this truth sacred. When you restrict carbohydrates in your diet, you will become leaner.

This is an absolute fact. When you increase your carbohydrate consumption, you will get fatter. This is not disputed. This is simply a matter of the human body’s response to your hormones and how they are affected by the foods we eat.

Here how it works...when we eat carbohydrates, particularly those that are sweet or starchy, our blood sugar increases rapidly. When your blood sugar increases, our pancreas secretes insulin into the blood stream.

Insulin’s job is to bring our blood sugar back to normal levels. It does this by moving the sugar out of the blood and into the muscles, liver, and fat cells. If not for insulin, this blood sugar aka glucose would be toxic.

As you know, diabetics need to add insulin to their bodies to keep them alive and functioning. So insulin is a good thing with regards to keeping us alive by alleviating high blood sugar levels that are triggered by carbohydrate consumption.

BUT...insulin is also very, very problematic with regards to our ability to lose weight. As mentioned, when blood sugar is high, insulin’s job is to move that sugar out of the blood stream and into the liver and muscles to be used for energy.

But there is more to it. Insulin is also a storage hormone. What this means is that when insulin is present in the blood stream, as it is when we consume carbohydrates like sugar and starch the excess carbohydrates those that are not needed right away for energy are broken down and stored in our fat cells as fat.

When this happens, our fat cells get do we. And also only does insulin force those excess carbohydrates and fat into our fat cells, it also slams the brakes on our body’s ability to burn the fat that is already stored in our fat cells.

So, as long as there are high levels of insulin is flowing through your blood stream which is only caused by carbohydrate consumption, your body will be working to store fat rather than working to burn it.

 You simply cannot consume a carbohydrate- rich meal and burn fat at the same time. Your body is either storing or burning it, depending on the food you eat. Now that you know this, you can put yourself in control using the method you will learn in the4 week diet.

Keep in mind that our body is in constant need of energy-it needs energy whether we are out for a morning jog, cooking dinner, sitting on the sofa watching television or lying in bed sleeping.

While we tend to think we only need energy when we are physically exerting ourselves, you need to keep in mind that there is a lot your body is doing behind the scenes even while you sleep.

The fact is our bodies at work 24/7 to keep us healthy and functioning. And because of that, the body needs to fuel its work on a non- stop basis for as long as we live. Another thing to keep in mind is that YOU can make a decision to have your body running on carbohydrates or have it running on fat.

On the 4 week diet, we will shift from carbohydrate burning to high-octane fat burning instead. Contrary to popular belief, fat flows in an out of your fat cells in the form of fatty acids, on a continuous basis throughout the day, making itself available to be used for energy.

The problem is...this fat cannot and will not be used for energy unless your insulin levels are way down. Insulin, however, will not be down so long as you are eating carbohydrates.

Now, when we eat three meals per day and everything is working properly, your body will become fatter after eating a carbohydrate- rich meal and then, leaner in between meals after all the carbohydrates that have been burned and the body begins to burn fat because it has run out of carbohydrates.

The problem however is that when blood sugar spikes and insulin is secreted, blood sugar is normalized in a matter of minutes, while insulin remains on guard in the blood stream for the next couple of hours- preventing fat to be burned during that time.

Understand that various cells in the body have a need for fat. However, when those cells that need fat to function properly are not getting the fat they need because of insulin present in the blood stream, your blood sugar drops.

Low blood sugar level is what tells your brain that you are hungry...and because you are hungry, you begin to eat again before those fatty acids can ever be burned up.

When you follow up with another carbohydrate- rich meal, those fatty acids will need to be stored away because your body is going to have to secrete insulin to lower blood sugar again...and to use that blood sugar- instead of fat- for its energy for the next few hours.

And this starts the vicious cycle all over again- constantly prohibiting your body from burning fat. Now if you want to know about the how to decrease stomach fat 4 hormones are all that are standing between you and massive weight loss then please visit the 4 week diet.


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