Best fat loss program-Is yoga the best fat loss program?

       Yoga implies best fat loss program, breathing exercises, postures and meditation as a wholesome way to exercise. The following few breathing exercises are only a few ones from the vast armory of Yoga but they are immensely beneficial and relatively simple to understand and apply.  Best time for breathing exercise is before or during sunrise and sunset. You have sit in a quiet place, with proper ventilation and plenty of sunshine.

After rising from bed you should have 2-3 glasses of water to prevent dehydration. When you have finished morning activities you can start with yoga breathing exercises. The names of these breathing exercises have been translated and modified slightly so that people of western countries may find it easy to understand and apply.

1. Deep breathing: Sit straight on a chair, with hands on your knees, index finger and thumb of both hands forming a circle, palms turned outward. Close your mouth and inhale deeply, slowly through your nose, filling in the chest with fresh air of the morning. Slowly exhale, expelling air from your lungs through your nostrils in a relaxed manner. Do this for 2-3 minutes, slowly, thinking of God's name.

2. Reverse Breathing: This is especially beneficial for most diseases of the digestive tract, allergy and asthma, heart disease and obesity.

    Sit in the same pose as above. Now exhale air slowly from the abdomen and stomach altogether in one motion. Your entire midsection (from upper abs to lower abs) should contract in tandem and be concave-like while carrying out the exhalation. Do not let the chest expand or contract. Don’t allow any changes in facial expression or posture and hand gestures.  Do this continuously for 2-3 minutes in a slow, relaxed manner, only exhaling consciously through your nose.
When you are a beginner you should only do this for 40-50 times at a stretch. 

Then you can relax for a 30 seconds and resume the exercise. As time progresses, increase practice time of reverse breathing to 5-6 minutes and then up to 10 minutes. You have to imagine that all negative energy, free radicals, toxins, impurities and defects are leaving your body while you are doing reverse breathing.

In reality too, you will realize the amazing benefits of this exercise in only a few days. It is scientific observation that reverse breathing exercise alone will bring about fat loss of at least half pound to one pound for every practice session.

** Caution: This breathing exercise should not be performed by expectant mothers. After child birth a mother should wait for at least six months before starting this particular breathing exercise. It is also forbidden for patients suffering from heart disease, lung disease and high blood pressure (hypertension).

3. Triple Point Exhalation exercise: This is an advanced breathing exercise and should be performed by intermediate and advanced level students.
 For this exercise, remain in the same posture as above, exhale the full amount of air in your chest through nose and depress your core muscles (from upper abs to lower abs) to the lowest extent  possible. Then, rest your chin on the chest, withhold inhalation and concentrate the remaining breath of air on the lower abs (4cm below the navel), upper abs (the solar plexus region) and the base of throat. This should be done only for 5-6 seconds at a stretch.

 You may repeat for 5-6 times. During the winter months you may do this exercise for 21 repetitions at a stretch.

** Caution: This exercise is also forbidden for expectant mothers. After child birth a mother should wait for at least six months before starting this particular breathing exercise. It is also forbidden for patients suffering from heart disease and lung disease and high blood pressure (hypertension).

4. Breathing In with Constriction and Sound: This exercise will correct any disorder of the throat, thyroid and parathyroid gland. The posture should be same as above. You have to draw in long, slow breath of fresh air but this time there will be a self induced constriction at the base of your throat.
There should be long and subdued sound like ‘OM’ emanating from your vocal chords. Mouth should be closed. The long, high pitched sound along with the breath should be as prolonged as possible along with the inhalation. You may repeat this cycle for four times and sometimes even up to six times if you are grossly overweight.

5. Alternate Nostril Breathing: This breathing exercise will restore hormonal balance in your body, correct any and all psychological and neurological disorder.
Sit in the same pose as above. Put your right thumb on right nostril and right index finger on left nostril and close them both. Raise you index finger  slightly and exhale through your left nostril, then inhale through the same one and exhale through the right nostril by lifting the thumb, inhale through the same one and exhale slowly thru the left nostril.
Continue repeating this cycle for 5-6 minutes in the beginning and for 10 minutes later on. While inhaling breath in deeply and fill your lungs with fresh air. Exhale slowly, keeping your mouth closed, eyes shut, backbone straight and rigid for all these exercises.

6. Breathing In with Eyes and Ears Plugged:  This exercise is especially beneficial for eyes, ear, and nose and throat problems. You have to place your right thumb in right ear to plug it fully, put your index on the forehead and rest three fingers should form cupping over the closed right eye. Do the same for the left side also.
  Now, you have to inhale deeply while keeping your mouth shut and utter the sound ‘OM’ in a prolonged manner. The sound of OM from your vocal chords and the long inhalation should be synchronous. Fill in your lungs completely with long inhalation of fresh air. Then slowly exhale the full breath of air through the nose. Repeat the cycle for ten times.

7. Breathing In while chanting OM: This exercise is especially beneficial for removing stress, anxiety, panic and other emotional disturbances. Remain in the same posture as the first exercise, close your eyes and then while inhaling deeply you have to chant the holy mantra OM in a slow, prolonged manner. Do this for seven times at least and can be increased to twenty one times at one sitting.

      All these breathing exercises have been carefully selected by Yoga Masters of various reputed teaching centers in India. There are literally millions and millions of practitioners   in India who have immensely benefited from practicing theses breathing exercises. If you follow the data collected by scientific and impartial observers then you will be pleasantly surprised and be even more encouraged to carry on with these exercises.
   If it is not possible for you to practice them in the morning then do it in the evening, four to five hours after having a meal. If you have had a light snack then wait for an hour and a half before doing these exercises. If you want to know about the Best fat loss program then please click here.


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