healthy detox- Workout without weights
In this section healthy detox you will find
descriptions of the exercises, which are mentioned in the training section. You
will definitely find more variety of exercises in eBooks and programs, which
cater to your needs. Due to limitations in time and space one obviously cannot
list all the body weight or isometric exercises. I have included very effective
basic exercises, which can be done without equipment or very little equipment.
They have worked wonders for me so please give them an honest trial.
Jumping Jacks – This is a physical jumping exercise, which is done
by jumping from a standing position to a position where the legs are spread
wide and the hands touching overhead and then returning to a position with the
feet together and the arms at the sides. The name comes from the traditional
toy of the same name.
Classic Push up- It is a total body conditioner and should not be
neglected at any cost. Kneel on the ground, lean forward, putting your hands on
ground at shoulder level, bent your elbows and then jerk both your feet backward
together, keeping your torso straight and parallel to the ground. While doing a
push up one will be using only 65% of the body weight and if you want to make
it harder keep your butt higher in the air.
The push up should
always be done in good form, with no sagging in the midsection, no locking
after reaching the top position and the back always firm and straight. This
form will keep the tension on your elbows and triceps always.
Lower your body
keeps it straight, bend at elbows and maintain this position for a second. Rise
up without bouncing and then continue to repeat the motion until tired. If you
are a martial artist, boxer, or wrestler then you would like to train
explosively at this exercise.
Kneeling push ups- If you find regular pushups difficult in the
beginning then you can do kneeling pushups by kneeling on the ground and then
lowering your upper body. Do the rest as above.
Dive Bomber push ups- This is a very demanding type of push up and is used
in the military. To do the dive bomber push up get into the Classic push up
position, get your butt higher up in the air, then you drop down toward the
floor by bending your elbows, then in a circular motion rise up again to the
starting position. This is one rep of the exercise, which works wonders for
your whole upper body and lungs.
Hindu Push ups- This push up assumes upper body position as in
classic push but the legs are split wide apart, which imparts more flexibility
and endurance. Do the rest as in dive bomber push ups.
Incline and Decline
push ups – For both these kind of
push ups you need a chair, bench or stool as a support. Decline push ups are done by leaning your
whole body on the support at a high angle, hands kept on the support shoulder
width apart on the sides, both feet together. Then rise up and down as in
classic push ups. For incline push ups rest both your feet on the support,
leaning face forward on the ground while keeping body straight, resting your
weight on the palms on ground. Then do the up wards and downwards motion as in
Classic push ups. As you become more adept in doing push ups then you can do
one arm push ups in classic position or decline push up position.
Do you know about the most productive
exercises for the chest? They are not the bench press or incline bench press.
They are the weighted incline push up and weighted dips. How to do them?
Weighted Incline Push up- Put your feet on
a bench close together. You may use push
up bars at an arm’s length from your body on either side to allow deep
stretching at the bottom. Keep your body straight while performing the push up
slowly. Have a partner assist you by pushing on the shoulders as you rise from
the push up position. If a partner is not available then use a weighted vest.
Do this when you are able to do more than the target no. of reps. Do three sets
of 12 reps each.
Weighted Dips - You will that
the difference between dips for chest and weighted incline pushups for the
chest is on the focus group of muscles. For the weighted dips you have to go to
the dip bar, facing outwards put your palms on the dip bar, let your body lean
forward, with your knees bent and feet behind your back. Lower your bodies
slowly until your elbows are at 90degree angle and slowly rise up. Don’t lock
elbows at the top. Do this for three
sets of 12 reps and when this becomes easy you can add weights to your waist by
means of a dip belt.
Chin-ups can be performed with a swing, where the legs and back impart momentum to aid the exercise, or from a dead hang, where the body is kept still. You can initiate the pull up with the shoulder blade to utilize the back muscles fully.
Pull ups- A pull up is same as chin up except that in Pull ups
the palms face away from the exerciser (pronated grip). A traditional pull-up relies on upper body
strength with no swinging or using a forceful initial movement of the legs in
order to gain momentum (known as kipping).
The exercise targets mainly the Lattismus dorsa muscle in the back along
with many other assisting muscles thus making it an effective compound exercise
for the upper body. Kipping makes the exercise a power and conditioning
movement as opposed to a pure strength one.
Behind the Neck Pull
Up- In this variety of pull up
the chin is kept down and you simply pull up your body in front of the bar to
touch it with back of your neck.
Weighted Pull Up- This is done by hanging a heavy weight around the
waist from a belt or grasping a dumbbell between the feet.
Muscle Up – In this variety of pull up the exercise is
completed by raising the whole upper body over the pull up bar by fully
straightening the arms and slowly descending to the starting position.
One arm Pull Up – This is done with a single arm grasping the bar and
pulling up. Most difficult pull up to execute.
Australian Pull Up – This is performed with the bar 2 to 3 feet off the
floor. The user lies on the ground under the bar, face-up, and grasps the bar
with extended arms. The exercise is performed by pulling the chest up to the
bar. The body is held in a rigid plank position while the heels remain on the
Modified Dips – As above you will need a support. Facing the
opposite side, put your hands on the bench while keeping upper body straight.
Extend your feet together in front of you as much as possible and then descend
slowly by bending the elbows and touching the ground with your butt. Ascend
slowly and do as many reps as possible until tired. Great workout for triceps
and chest. Actual dips are done on a dipping bar. You have lift to your whole
body off the ground while resting your palms obliquely on the parallel bars and
then slowly descending and ascending by bending and straightening your elbows.
Keep your feet above the ground; slightly bend your knees and hips all the time
for this exercise. Weighted dips are done by attaching a weight to the dip belt
and tying it on the waist.
Farmer Burn’s Stomach
Flatteners: Breath in deeply, now
try to force the air out while at the same time closing off the throat so that
the air cannot escape. Hold this position for two seconds, which will cause
great tension in your chest and midsection. Then slowly exhale the air while
squeezing your abdominal muscles and contracting your chest at the same time. Do
this for five reps.
Crunches - This exercise works
the upper area of your stomach and abs. Start by laying on your back.
Place your hands crossed on your chest and lie flat on the floor with your
knees bent. Do not place your hands behind your neck or you might strain
the neck muscles. Slowly raise yourself up using your abs while pressing your
lower back to the floor. As you reach the top of the crunch slowly
exhale. Then slowly lower your back down to the flow as you inhale.
this for 20-25 reps and rest for about a minute and a half. Then you can do 2-3
sets of 20 reps each with 90 second rests between each set. Always focus on
doing controlled movements in these small no. of reps and target solely on your
Reverse Crunches - These exercises
work the lower portion of your abdominal muscles.
in the same position as above. Bend your knees slightly with your legs in
the air and cross your ankles. Slowly raise your hips about 2-3 inches off the
floor. Try to keep your hips steady without rolling them backwards. Hold
this position for about 2-3 seconds and really squeeze or crunch your abdominal
muscles while keeping your head and shoulders on the floor. Slowly lower your
hips back to the floor and repeat the process.
you should really feel your lower abs working after about 20 to 25 ab
crunches. Take a 90 second rest after your first set of 20 reps and then
does 2 to 3 sets more.
Basic Sit ups- These exercises will work on your abdominal and hip flex or muscles.
same position as above. Place your right hand on left shoulder and vice versa.
Tighten your abdominal muscles gently by gently drawing in your belly button to
your spine. Slowly lift your head first, followed by your shoulders. Focus your
eyes on your bent knees, all the while gently contracting the abdominal
muscles. Raise your upper body from the floor to near the knees. Hold the
position for a second and then slowly lower down, but not completely on the
floor, assuming position of a relaxed arch. Repeat the above motion for 12 reps
in a set, then relax for 90 seconds. Attempt two more sets with the same rest
period in between the sets.
Jackknife Sit Ups (N
sit ups) - Lie down flat on the floor, place your hands on the
ground to your sides for balance. Then bend and raise your knees and torso so
that your knees and face meet on an imaginary line extending from your pelvis
to the ceiling. You should be able to touch your knees with your head at the
top of the motion. Hold this position for about 2-3 seconds, then slowly lower
yourself to starting position. Repeat for 10-12 reps, then rest for 90 seconds
before attempting another set of 12 reps.
V-ups (V
sit ups) - Start in the same position as above. Place
your hands above your head and then simultaneously raise your legs and upper
body straight from the floor. Touch your feet with your hands without bending
your knees and hold this position for 5 seconds. Slowly lower yourself down and
repeat this movement 10-12 times. Rest for 90 seconds before trying another set
of 12 reps.
Leg Raises
- Lie on the floor, legs straight out, hands at your sides. Lift your
legs straight up (not bending your knees at all) until they're at a 90degree
angle (or close). Lower your legs and repeat without letting your legs touch
the floor. Do this for 20-25 reps for one set. Try to do 2 more sets with 30
seconds rest in between each set.
Bonomo Bridge - Do this exercise
while laying on your back on the floor. Extend your arms over head, bend your
elbows for support and slowly raise your whole body up to the knees. Bend your
knees and keep feet on the ground firmly. Contract your entire body and hold it
for ten seconds while you press your hands on the floor, fingers pointing to
shoulders. Do this exercise 2-3 times
per week with a day’s rest in between the exercises. You can finish off with
flexing and stretching exercises.
Hindu Bridge – Do this exercise from standing
position by extending your arms above your head and then slowly arching
backwards until you touch the floor with your forehead. Entire upper body
weight should rest upon your forehead and the palms and feet rested upon the
floor provide support. Do both varieties of bridges for complete development.
This exercise gets rid of back and shoulder pains for good. Do it with caution
and it is advised that you first check with your doctor if you have bad neck,
shoulder or back problems.
Hindu Squats- For doing
these squats you have go down below the parallel level almost touching your
heels. Do this for 1-2 minutes continuously for a great workout raise your arms
in front as you get up. For regular squats keep the depth parallel to the
ground and the rest is same.
Jumping Squats – Put your hands on your hips, squat to a position of
parallel depth and then jump into the air using your toes. Land softly and
repeat until tired.
Squat Thrust- (Mountain Jumpers) Get into a classic push up
position, bring both your knees together up to the chest in a jerking motion
and then again thrust both your feet together backwards. Repeat this motion
fast and continuously until slightly tired.
Alternate Squat
Thrusts – (Mountain Climbers) Do
the same as above but this time raise one knee to the chest at a time and
thrust it backwards. Do this continuously for both legs, at a fast pace, until
slightly tired.
Pop ups – From a standing position squat down, assume a
classic push up position, bring your knees together to your chest and stand up
quickly. Do it as fast as possible as it will be great heart and lung
conditioner. To make it harder, thrust both your feet backwards together and then do a push up.
Lunges – From a standing position, step forward quickly as
far as possible by bending your knee and then do it with the other leg. Repeat
with alternative leg until tired. To make it harder do jumping lunges i.e. you
jump forward instead of just stepping.
Star Jumpers – Start in a standing with legs shoulder width apart,
squat down to the ground while bringing your hands down to the ground in your
front. Now in one explosive movement jump in the air while spreading your arms
and legs sideways at the same time. This makes you look like a star and thus
the name for this exercise.
Frog Hops – Start in a squatting position with your hands
between your legs on the ground. Then jump forward landing in the same way as
you started, using your hands for balance. Continue jumping forward in this way
until tired. Use distance to measure your progress.
Eight Count Body
builders – Start in the same
position as above. Then thrust both legs backwards and simultaneously drop into
a push up position and do a push up. Then spread out both legs sideways, then
bring your feet together. Quickly bring up both your knees together towards
your chest and stand up. This whole movement is one repetition of the exercise,
do more reps until tired.
Burpees - There are two types of Burpees one with push ups and
one without them.
Start in a same position as above, then thrust your legs back together,
bring your knees close to your chest and then finally jump in the air with your
arms over head. To make it varied you can do a push up when you thrust your
legs backward.
Bear Walk- Start on all fours,
rear end high in the air. Now start with walking on all fours by moving your
hands and feet, as a bear would do. The tough part is that moving slowly makes
this exercise harder while going faster causes you to primarily use your feet
and run thereby neglecting your arm workout. So don’t move too quickly. The
Bear Walk is a deceptively simple but
highly effective workout which you will fall in love with. Do it for 20-50
yards and you will be convinced of its benefits?
In order to make this
exercise harder, you can try doing it with hand weights and gradually move on
to hand weights along with a weighted vest. Start with doing 20 yards of Bear
Crawl and then increase distance gradually to 50 yards.
Crab Walk- Sit on the
floor; put palms of your hands on the floor behind you and feet on the ground.
Now push up with a jerk, look in the opposite way. Keep your trunk high,
parallel to the ground. Now walk backwards moving all four limbs. Do this for
20 yards in the beginning and gradually progress to moving 50 yards this way.
This exercise was a favorite among former Eastern block sports stars.
Alligator Walk- Get in a
classic push up position. Partially bend your arms at the elbows. Now walk with
only your arms, moving them one at a time as a gator would. You only have to
drag your feet behind without much effort so that, all the work is done by your
arms. Stay low to the ground and stabilize your trunk with the midsection. This
exercise is great for your arms, chest, and shoulders. Do for 15 yards at first
and then go for 25 yards or more.
Duck Walk- Do not does
this exercise if you have bad knees. This exercise is done by speed skaters and
wrestlers for lower body conditioning. Squat down, sitting low until your butt
touches upon the back of your calves. With hands on your waist or right in
front of your chest, elbows bent slightly; move on forward for 20 yards,
imitating a duck waddle. Then move on backwards, sideways, for 10-15 yards each
Tiger Stalk- This is just
like the bear crawl but in the tiger stalk your knees will be bend and your
upper body will be parallel to the ground. Maintaining this position, on your
hands and feet slowly for 15-20 yards. Again do not hurry, go on slowly as in
bear walk but your movement should resemble that of a tiger moving gracefully
in the forest.
Gorilla Walks- In these
kinds of walks get into a position similar to tiger walk but your butt should
be relatively a little higher. The fingers of your palms should be turned
inwards and the weight of your upper body should be rested on your inner
knuckles and thumb. Then you can move forward on your hands and feet as in a
bear crawl, moving them one at a time. Alternatively, you can move both your
palms a little forward and then jump forward feet together. Do Gorilla walk
using both the methods one after another for about 25 yards each.
Kangaroo jumps- In this
exercise you do not have to be low to the ground. Stand with your feet shoulder
width apart, hands at your sides. Bend your knees to parallel squatting
position and then jump forward with your feet together as far as you can. As
soon as you land on ground, jump again instantly. Keep on jumping in this
manner as this develops explosive jumping power for the athlete. Use distance
to measure your progress. Another variation of this method is to jump as high
as you can and do it incessantly. As usual a football field or running track
will be ideal for you to try these movements.
Monkey jumps- Start in a full squatting position with your
hands on the floor, with your hands little
ahead of your feet. Now jump as high as you can and simultaneously throw
your hands up in the air. Hand movements can you help you get higher in the air
by making big circles up in front of face, or sideways to overhead and then
back to the sides. You can make this exercise harder by moving both your knees
together in front of your chest as soon as jump and then land softly on the
ground. These will get you winded pretty quickly and you have to time yourself
to track your progress.
Monkey Walk- Start in the same position as above but this time put
your entire upper body weight on your hands. Then move forwards by swinging
your lower body between your arms and then again resume the starting position.
Continue moving forwards in this manner until slightly tired. You can also move
backwards by reversing the movement. You can also move sideways with the same
idea: reach to the side with both your hands
and putting your body weight on the hands swing your lower body to the
side of your hands and repeat this motion over and again until slightly tired.
Do this for both sides for the same distance.
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