stomach exercises for men -revealed: the clinically proven condition that keeps most people from losing weight.

We have already gone over the fact that the easiest and the fastest way to lose weight are to stop using dietary carbs for energy and start burning body fat. Once you stop using carbs for energy and start burning your body fat, you will see the stomach exercises for men weight melting off.

Make sure you are still taking in plenty of protein because your body then has no choice but to start breaking down those stubborn triglycerides to release those fatty acids back into the bloodstream in order to use them for energy.

 This makes your fat cells smaller and that means you are smaller too. You will be amazed at just how much fat you will burn when you restrict carbs from your diet. Keep in mind that your body has to have fuel all day long.

Every tiny details of your body’s action require fuel. Blinking, thinking walking, talking, all of it. In the fat decimator system, you are going to use nothing but stored, gross fat to keep your body functioning.

Shedding the pounds on the fat decimator system is going to be done through strategic eating. You will combine a reduction in carbs with eating specific proteins and fats that are consumed in proper proteins and fats that are consumed in proper amounts at just the right times.

Just using the diet alone is going to produce massive weight loss. Add the fatdecimator system exercise program and you will see almost double the weight loss and you will also notice that your body starts looking amazing.

Following the fat decimator system diet results in body’s fat losses of about ¾ to 1 pounds of fat being decimated every day! When you add the workout to the diet you will usually get over 1 pound of weight per day off.

Seeing this type of progress in just a few days can be very exciting! In people who stick to the diet and don’t deviate from it. I have never seen one person that hasn’t dropped at least 10 pounds over the 21 day period.

During my personal trial of this diet and before I actually put it out there publicly, I lost 23 pounds in only 21 days. It was absolutely amazing and I have been excited to share this information with ever since.

The diet part of the fat decimator system is similar to a protein sparing modified fast because we are ticking the body to enter into 24/7 fat burning starvation mode but all the while we are providing it with protein that is necessary to spare the lean body mass.

You are also looking at the added thermal effect of digesting the protein. We have the carb restriction and the strategic protein consumption but we also have quality health fats so that we can enhance healthy fats so that we can enhance our fat- burning goals.

As we discussed earlier, carbs are not essential to the human body but we are unable to live without protein and fat.  You may find this strange, but we could eat all of the carbs that we want and we could still die from starvation if we did not have fat and protein in our diet.

Our restrictions of carbs in this diet is because it immediately stops adding to the fat cells we have and it forces our bodies to start burning our fat cells we have and it forces our bodies to start burning our fat  for daily energy needs.

In the diet, we limit the fats to EFAs AKA essential fatty acids and the trace amounts of fat in the allowed foods. When we limit but don’t completely eliminate fat it will force our bodies to burn the fat that is stored over using dietary fat for our energy needs.
Don’t forget that our bodies do need a certain amount of fat every day to maintain our bodily functions. It just doesn’t care where it gets the fat from. Your hips, butt, belly, thighs or your diet can all be fuel sources.

In an age where fitness and weight loss has become both a craze as well as a more than $70 billion industry in the U.S. alone, we also find ourselves with a growing epidemic of obesity. More and more people are overweight and suffering from critical health issues as a result.

Part of the problem is that much of what’s considered common knowledge when it comes to weight loss is rooted not in science but in myth. Countless studies have shown that excessive cardio, the lack of salt, eating certain vegetables thought to be healthy and even cutting out carbs is actually counterproductive to the body’s natural fat burning processes.

I was firmly entrenched in the widely held concepts camp, former marine and fitness expert Kyle cooper says; I did it the established way for over 10 years until my eyes were open by a combination of ancient wisdom and the science to back it up.

In his wildly popular and successful weight loss program, the fatdecimator, Kyle tells a story of how a Korean medical student worked with him after he nearly died in Afghanistan looking for Osama bin laden.

This medical student now doctor, Samuel Pak, told Kyle that much of the western notion of fitness and weight loss were actually ineffective and even dangerous. Sam really opened my eyes at a time when I needed it most, Kyle continues, yet one big point really sticks out. 

There is a stomach exercises for men condition known as metabolic acidosis. This is a condition in which the human body cannot rid of itself of food acids and fights back by creating and storing fat as a defense against these acids.


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