natural cold and flu cures-a homeopathy medicine a day keeps the doctor away.
In reality, natural cold and flu cures,
homeopathies have been proved to help relieve cold and flu. The homeopathy
physicians analyze several factors, including the speed of onset of symptoms,
sensation, how the patient looks along with his or her mental state.
In the early stage of cold and flu, go for aconite,
this remedy is often prescribed for robust people, as well as those who eat
meat often. Only 30c pellets under the tongue is needed to get a cold to
disappear. Belladonna is a remedy for serious symptoms of cold, flu, infection
and sore throat.
Ferris phosphoric is a remedy for people with a weak
immune system. Cold and flu symptoms are not vague but uncomfortable. There
might be a slight earache, running nose and a mild sore throat. In case of mid
stage of cold and flu one should go for alliums cape.
People with stage of cold are given alliums cape
when their eyes are watery and clear but their nose is red and irritated. Other
symptoms include multiple sneezes and burning nasal discharge. Nat rum muriatic
is used when person has a thick, clear fluid discharge that resembles raw egg
white. Lips are dry and cracked with cold sores on the side or outside of the
Now for advanced stages of cold and flu, one should
go for arsenium album. People with symptoms of burning eyes, sinus, irritation
in the nose, sneezing, extreme chill, restlessness and fever. This person feels
worse at night and better in the morning.
Mercurius vivus is applied when the cold is in the
advanced stage and the immune system is weakened, people have sore throats that
feel with swallowing, as well as sneezing, bad cough and night sweats. He par
sulph is used when this remedy helps deep colds and flu when this turns into
infection and sinusitis.
The person is very chilly and there is often mucus
in the lung with thick and yellow discharge. Antibiotics may be used in extreme
cases, and I hope that this information will really help you.
One cannot cure a cold or flu or shorten its natural
lifespan, but some over the counter treatments may relieve your discomfort. So
take care when buying these products as many contain significant amounts of
artificial colors, sweeteners such as aspartame and junk- gunk also in
children’s preparation.
A teaspoon of runny honey will soothe a sore throat
or cough without all of the junk usually found in cold and cough preparations.
Steep a few slices of fresh ginger and lemon in hot water and add honey to
taste, instantly reviving and again without the junk.
Steep some fresh sage, thyme and a chamomile tea bag
in hot water for sore throats, coughs and general sniffles. Organic soup which
is organic is traditionally thought to help recovery and this is now backed by
some scientific research.
Veggies will have to try onion and garlic soup to stay well hydrated and rest up. Now natural cold and flu cures if you are feeling unwell then you really need to forget about your exercise routine until you are well. Working out will in reality will add strain to your immune system, increase tiredness and spread the infection. Now if you want to read more and learn about cold and flu then please visit here.
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