coconut oil for hair -how coconuts fats substantially reduce diabetes risk?-the saturated-fat myth that robbed you of your good health!
Before World War II, the miracle-healing coconut oil for hair
coconut has been used to help alleviate:
· Coughs
· Constipation
· Malnutrition
· Skin
· Toothaches
· Earaches
· Flu
· And
But that all changed when the war ended and the
United States proclaimed hydrogenated oils to be the healthier oils. By the
1960s, a weak scientific theory claimed that saturated fats-like those found in
butter, eggs, milk, red meat and coconuts- increased bad LDL cholesterol and
were dangerous to consume.
Nothingwas further from the truth! But this health scare
was enough to push the public away from saturated fats and instead to refine
vegetable oils. This was perfect for food manufacturers because they were far
cheaper to produce.
It wasn’t long before western style diets made their
way to the island and old ways were forgotten. Cheaper, mass produced
hydrogenated foods replace traditional foods, like the versatile and
all-healing coconut oil that had kept the islanders healthy for generations.
And for the first time ever, disease that had become
prevalent among Americans… heart disease, diabetes, cancer and obesity started
to plague the island nations.
Here are 3 ground-breaking new studies that prove
the thermogenic effects of coconut oil. This
means that you literally burn fat by eating coconut fat (including coconut
milk, coconut cream and coconut oil.) these 3 studies from major medical
journals are sure to turn the conventional nutrition orld upside down! Discover how to burn more fat with coconut (these 3 coconut oil for hair wstudies prove it!)
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