The Coconut & Thyroid Connection -9 reasons to ALWAYS eat coconut oil (#3 is golden)?
Dothe words obesity, Alzheimer’s, heart disease and cancer scare you? What if there was a TheCoconut & Thyroid Connection food that was almost health as breast milk
that could literally fight cancer, combat aging, accelerate fat loss and
reverse Alzheimer’s?
Researchers have discovered that in cultures
where unrefined coconut oil is a part of the everyday diet, there is less
obesity and less lifestyle-related disease. Unfortunately, every little coconut
oil is consumed in the US and the metabolic syndrome- along with its symptoms
of obesity, diabetes and heart disease- is reaching epidemic proportions!
The so-called heartfriendly oils you should avoid that increase your risk of heart disease and
type 2 diabetes.
consuming one ounce of coconut oil a day helped a group of women decrease BMI (body mass index) and waistcircumference!
Over 13 million Americans suffer from low
thyroid function with little understanding of the cause. It’s really no wonder
because most processed foods contain iodine blockers- and iodine is essential
for optimum thyroid function!
Plus, without a healthy thyroid, weight loss
is nearly impossible- especially for women. Find out if your thyroid is
malfunctioning and how coconut oil can get it up to speed in the coconut oil secret: nature’s #1besthealing super food. Discover:
The numerous symptoms thatmay indicate your thyroid are deficient- including fatigue, weight gain, depression,
constipation, loss of sex drive and more!
The two foods that are theworst
iodine blockers that would be wreaking havoc for your thyroid health!
Why refined oils areespecially damaging to your thyroid and contribute greatly to weight gain and
virgin coconut oil can completely turnaround your thyroid health and increase your energy!
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